Friday, February 25, 2011

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"Wir sind auch ganz normale Leute" - Leben mit Behinderung

. I think it's outrageous if we were not serious "-" the disability is but someone decided that I was an ass , and I do not think right. "These statements come from adults with intellectual disabilities, to report the word. You do not want pity, but - like other disabled people too - and their differences recognition and respect. What it is, with disabilities to live, do the following texts illuminate. Perhaps they push for you to deal with this issue again. The lyrics invite you, especially the interaction of disabled and non disabled people to take in the view.

What is mental retardation?

It is not easy to define what is a mental disability. Anyway, it's not a disease, is believed as often. Mental disability is first and foremost an intellectual impairment, which the overall development und Lernfähigkeit mehr oder weniger stark beeinflusst.

Ursachen für geistige Behinderung

Die Ursachen für geistige Behinderung sind vielfältig und häufig noch immer nicht klar auszumachen. Es gibt genetisch bedingte, angeborene geistige Behinderung wie zum Beispiel das Down-Syndrom, früher Mongolismus genannt. Hier liegt das Chromosom Nr. 21 dreimal statt zweimal vor. Viele andere, weniger bekannte Syndrome, die zum Teil erblich bedingt sind, gehen ebenfalls mit einer geistigen Behinderung und nicht selten auch mit körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen hand in hand. Some metabolic diseases and lack of oxygen and other complications during birth can cause mental retardation. Formerly known vaccine damage often led to what today is hardly the case yet.

source: We are normal people. People with intellectual disabilities in our society. Brochure of the National Association of Life Help for people with intellectual disabilities. 2. rev. Edition, November 2006.

When you meet people with disabilities:

· people with disabilities want no pity, but respect.

· Go open and of course with disabilities are people.

· If you want to help people with disabilities, such as down stairs, it is better to ask them beforehand.

· Do not hesitate, in addition to bus and train disabled people to sit down.

· Look away not when disabled people abused verbally or even physically! Stand with them!

· If your holiday hotel with disabilities live score: warns them that they are welcome.

· Let your children or grandchildren with disabled children playing together.

· Geben Sie gegenüber behinderten Menschen ruhig offen zu, wenn Sie unsicher sind und Berührungsängste haben.

· Manchmal können geistig behinderte Menschen nicht abschätzen, wieviel Nähe ihr Gegenüber zulassen will. Scheuen Sie sich nicht, Ihre Grenze deutlich zu machen.

Jeder Moment mit meinem behinderten Sohn ist ein Geschenk

Mein Name ist Simone Ahrens. Ich bin 34 Jahre alt und von Beruf Diplom-Mathematikerin (FH). Mein Sohn Kevin ist am 21.11.1990 in Berlin geboren und kam mit einer schweren Hirnschädigung zur Welt. Er hatte vor der Geburt aufgrund einer Verdickung der Arterie zur linken Hirnhälfte einen Schlaganfall erlitten. Meine Tochter Laura Ann ist ein Jahr später am 24.12.1991 zur Welt gekommen. Ich bin seit April 1992 allein erziehend und habe zusammen mit meiner Mutter die letzten 15 Jahre gemeistert. Seit 1999 habe ich einen Freund (Partner), der auch im Rollstuhl sitzt. Er ist seit einem Unfall vor 17 Jahren querschnittsgelähmt.

I want to play with my words, what joy and what power has given me my son. I would also like to stress how beautiful life can be in spite of disability. It is worth living and every moment with my disabled son is a gift. We have lived through not only determines good times. Many a tear has been shed, but with each tear I have become stronger and have the point of what really matters. Today we are happy. We live in the present, and love is an important part of our family.

"Dear Kevin, now you're almost 16 years old and we were certainly not easy on our common path. But what I have seen in recent years you could , I feel is the best gift of my life. I thank you for your rousing laughter, your heart-rending smile, your joy, your strength and security that you give me.

You are the center of my life and the center of our little family. All our thoughts and actions tailored to you. You taught us not to reach for the stars, but the small to experience the "real" happiness and enjoy. It does not have wealth and are not restricted to career, to have a fulfilling life.

· You are the security, the gaiety and the fighter.

· you love without prejudice.

· You make us laugh, even if we do not feel like it.

· You are so carefree and pure in your heart.

· You live from day to day, without you worrying about the future. ?

· Should not everyone be a step far as you "

Simone Ahrens

Source:" Within me is Joy "ISBN 978-3 - 9810623-0-4, Doris-Verlag, Doris Stommel-Hesse, medium acidic Bach 3, 53809 Ruppichteroth Phone and Fax. 02295/903658





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