Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cheats Per Gpsphone Su Mac

There are very many and very different ideas of God. Each person carries his own image of God in himself. The famous theologian Karl Rahner said, "Over 80 percent of all that most people imagine themselves to God, there is not." We have our own image of God at some point zurecht gelegt.

1. Der Gottheit ausgeliefert zu sein.

Viele Menschen glauben, Gott vollkommen ausgeliefert zu sein. Alles was geschieht ereignet sich durch seinen Willen. Gott ist für alles verantwortlich. Solch ein Gottesbild kommt aus frühesten Kindheitserfahrungen. Sie glauben, Gott so ausgeliefert zu sein wie ein kleines Kind seinen Eltern. Sie können es nähren oder verhungern lassen, lieben oder quälen. Sie sind Herr über Leben und Tod. Dieses Bild projizieren sie auf Gott.

second Trade with God

"I give you, therefore you can give me," is a key behavior patterns that God's image. From the infant, the infant. The "I" is discovered. "L wiil" is the motto. Again and yet develop into a large dependence Iernt the child strategies, as it may refer to the actions of the larger influence. "You give me if I give you" is experienced as a rule. I contribute I generously to the collection for the poor. Then God will give me this or that, what I want so much. These people make up their relationship with God a deal. You do not love God, but love their self-interest.

third God has nothing to do with my life

"If anything is God, he lives far beyond the stars. With my life, he has nothing to do. Actually I do not need God. God died for me. "This ruling is fed from experience, my prayers and praying has not worked. Examples: It rained in torrents. The visit to the zoo has failed, even though I have prayed for good weather. Despite many requests I have not passed the exam, do not get the job and have to live with serious illness. A sixteen year old boy is with a heavy cross on his shoulder at night on the way to a pilgrimage. He pleads for the life of his terminally ill father. The father dies. The verdict of the boys, "Jesus, I whistle on you." The god of this boy dies and then there's often nothing more. He comes to the realization that I am responsible for my life. And it will harden this attitude if it does not grow new perspectives.

4. Ein Gott der mich braucht

Ein ganz anderes Gottesbild stellt sich nun vor. Es ist inspiriert vom Bild Christi, der am Kreuz hängt, dem aber Arme und Beine genommen wurden. Dieses Gottesbild besteht in der Betroffenheit, von Gott aufgefordert zu sein: Ich brauche dich! Sei du mein Fuß, meine Hand, mein Herz. Arbeite mit, hilf mit, dass mein Werk, das Kommen des Reiches Gottes auf Erden, fortgeführt wird.

Die Beziehung Gott - Mensch bekommt bei diesem Gottesbild eine neue Richtung. Ich bin ihm nicht mehr ausgeliefert, ich behandele ihn nicht wie einen Geschäftspartner, ich stelle seine Existenz nicht in Frage. Nein, bei diesem Gottesbild ist das Verhältnis Gott - Mensch eher Partnerschaftlich. Menschen wissen sich berufen, sich mit ihren Talenten für Gott zu engagieren, aus dem Geist Jesu, in seiner Liebe die Welt zu gestalten.

Eazit: Die Existenz Gottes lässt sich nicht naturwissenschaftlich beweisen und begreifen, trotzdem glauben viele Menschen an Gott, oder sie haben zumindest eine bildliche Vorstellung from him. With the emergence of God's image in the first years of life, most importantly the parents. One child is less time worrying about God, but rather an image of God. The child should have the freedom to imagine God in his own way, even where this is not the theological images of God. However, it should also know that, ultimately, nobody can say who or what God and every human idea of \u200b\u200bGod right and wrong can be. meet


There once was a boy who wanted to meet God. He was aware that the road to the place where God Iebte, was a very IANG. So he packed a backpack full of cans of Coke and some more candy bars and so he went on the trip.

He ran for a while and then came in a small park where he saw an old woman sitting on a bench and watched the pigeons, who looked after her food on the floor. The little boy sat down with the woman on the bench and opened his backpack. He wanted to get out just a Coke, as he the hungry eyes of the Woman saw. So he grabbed a candy bar and handed it to the woman. Thankfully, she took the candy and smiled at him. And it was a wonderful smile.

The little boy wanted to see that smile again, and he offered the old woman and a Coke. And they took the Coke and smiled again - even more radiant than before. The little boy was saved. The two sat all afternoon on the bench in the park, ate candy bars and drinking Coke - but spoke not a word.

it as was dark, the boy felt, how tired he was and he decided to go back home. After a few steps he stopped and turned around. He went back to the woman and hugged her. The old woman gave him for her very best smile.

At home, his mother saw the joy on his face and asked, "What did you do today made beautiful, that you look so happy?" And the boy replied: "I have eaten lunch with God - and they gave me a wonderful smile!".

The old woman had also gone back home, where her son was waiting on them. And he asked her why she looked so happy. She replied: "I have eaten lunch with God - and he is much younger than I thought." (Origin Unknown)


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