God, the Lord called to Adam and said, Where art thou ? He replied: I have heard you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I'm naked and I hid. Then he asked, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree to eat of which I commanded thee? Adam replied, "The woman you put here with me, she gave me fruit from the tree and I ate. God, the Lord said unto the woman, What hast thou done? The woman answered: The serpent deceived me, and I ate.
Da sprach Gott, der Herr, zur Schlange: Weil du das getan hast, bist du verflucht unter allem Vieh und allen Tieren des Feldes. Auf dem Bauch sollst du kriechen und Staub fressen alle Tage deines Lebens. Feindschaft setze ich zwischen dich und die Frau, zwischen deinen Nachwuchs und ihren Nachwuchs. Er trifft dich am Kopf und du triffst ihn an der Ferse.
Zur Frau sprach er: Viel Mühsal bereite ich dir, sooft du schwanger will. bring forth children in pain you. You desire for your husband, he shall rule over you.
To Adam he said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree have to eat which I had forbidden you: How is cursed is the ground floor because of you. In toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. thorns and thistles it makes you grow and the plants of the field you have to eat. Im Schweiße deines Angesichts sollst du dein Brot essen, bis du zurückkehrst zum Ackerboden; von ihm bist du ja genommen. Denn Staub bist du, zum Staub musst du zurück.
Gott, der Herr, schickte ihn aus dem Garten von Eden weg, damit er den Ackerboden bestellte, von dem er genommen war . (Gen 3,9-19.23)
Die Geschichte vom verlorenen Paradies ist kein Märchen. Gott wollte (und will) dem Menschen seine Freundschaft schenken, das ist der Sinn des Gartens. Aber der Man wanted to be "like God". He reached for what condition he not and he was thrown back on themselves, on the ground, the soil from which it originated. It is not simply fallen into a state in which he was before God had placed him in paradise. From now on, he is the "fallen" man. And with him the whole creation is fallen. Nature, too, suffers when a person falls out of its order. For the people who work to toil, motherhood to pain and death has become a major need. But the court is not God's final word. The penalty is the man to become his salvation. The snake, this superhuman crafty and malicious nature will not triumph final. The descendant of the woman will hit the snake on the head (on her head so smart) and make her put a stop.
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