Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod!
The disciples had forgotten to bring bread on the descent, only a single one they had. And he warned them: Take heed, and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod! made but you are concerned because they had no bread.
When he realized that he said to them: What makes you think about that you have no bread? Understand and you do not understand still? because your heart is hardened? have you got no eyes to see and no ears to hear? Do you not remember: When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces of bread because you have picked? They answered him: Twelve. And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets full of it because you picked up? They answered, "Seven.
He said to them: Do not get it still? (Mk 8.14-21)
the disciples in the Gospel today are all caught in the everyday.
you are worried about their daily bread. A comprehensive, deeply human fear is driving them around. The disciples still do not know who they are in the boat haben: den, der das lebendige Brot ist und der die Speise gibt für das ewige Leben. Den Unglauben dieser Jünger könnte man harmlos nennen, wenn nicht so viel geschehen wäre, was ihnen die Augen hätte öffnen müssen.
Die Jünger hatten nach der Speisung der Viertausend bei der Abfahrt nur ein einziges Brot dabei. Ein einziges Brot ist wenig, und den Jüngern knurrt inzwischen wahrscheinlich der Magen. Wer will schon gerne hungrig bleiben? Die Antwort Jesu auf diese Not ist erstaunlich und ausdrücklich eine Warnung: Gebt acht, hütet euch vor dem Sauerteig der Pharisäer and the leaven of Herod! The interpretation of this somewhat ambiguous statement is still simple: The Leaven is a pointer to a way of thinking and way of life that runs through just as leaven the whole dough, all of life, and shapes. Meant an attitude of power and tyranny, which does is essentially without God.
you give some thought because they had no bread.
So we come to a fairly relentless criticism of the Christians who are concerned in their distress. Understand and you do not understand still? because your heart is hardened? In the view of the evangelists, it is those Christians as those who asked the prophet Jeremiah: Have not you no eyes to see and no ears to hear? Basically, it's not the criticism to see and not understand what it is about Jesus. So he asks her: When I broke the loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces of bread because you have picked? They answered him: Twelve "And. I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many baskets you have accomplished since collected? They answered, "Seven.
The question to the disciples at the time: "Is the hardened your heart" is now us. Do we understand who we have in our midst?
guess maybe we should be followed closely here. Certainly not that we appreciate the care for our lives small. No, how fast it happens, however, that this concern dominates our thinking! How quickly it happens that no room remains for the trust auf den, der die Welt und unser Leben ins Dasein gerufen hat. Wie schnell geschieht es, dass wir aus dem Auge verlieren, dass wir ein Brot haben, das uns Leben verspricht, und zwar ein Leben in einer überreichen Fülle.
Der Evangelist wehrt sich gegen den Sauerteig der Pharisäer und des Herodes, also gegen eine Mentalität des rein irdischen Besorgt-seins und Besorgens - ohne den Blick auf den gütigen und schenkenden Gott, der sich in Jesus Christus offenbart hat. Alle berechtigte Sorge um das leibliche Leben soll stehen und gründen im Vertrauen auf den, der wie Brot für die Menschen da ist und sich wie Brot den Menschen schenkt.
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