Monday, February 28, 2011

Propertyratesin Kharghar

Neues im Pfarrverband Reuland im Monat März

Der Monat März im Überblick

Der März ist der dritte Monat des Jahres im Gregorianischen Kalender und ist der erste Frühlings-

monat . Schneeglöckchen, Narzissen, Krokusse und Tulpen werden radiation from the sun

and elicited the mild temperatures from the earth and bloom in competition. In mild climate areas, the first fruit trees bloom.

The domestic animals again awaken from their hibernation and return from their winter quarters in the south. You can see and hear the first and cranes. These animals can now find enough to eat with us and can draw their breeding areas.

The Insekten erwachen ab einer bestimmten Temperatur aus ihrer Winterstarre und suchen nach Nahrung und beginnen mit der Brut. Die Tiere in Feld und Wald werden sich nun auf Partnersuche begeben – und auch bei den Menschen kann man beobachten, dass sie irgendwie fröhlicher sind. „Frühlingsgefühle“ stellen sich ein. Der lange Winter drückte auf’s Gemüt. Nun reagiert der Körper auf die frische Luft, die zarten Sonnenstrahlen und die milde Luft.

Für den Monat März insgesamt, sowie für einzelne Tage des Monats erdachte der Volksmund a predominantly agrarian society where a large number of economically Bauer rules which often create short-to medium-term weather forecasts for the subsequent period.

The March is like a wolf coming and going like a lamb.

A lazy, humid March is every farmer's pain.

March is green again soon hin.

Märzensonne – kurze Wonne.

Säst du im März zu früh ist’s oft vergeb'ne Müh'.

Gibt's im März zu vielen Regen, bringt die Ernte wenig Segen.

Und was geschieht während des Monates März in der Kirche ?

There are good days ahead. The " fats Thursdays" or "Möhne

Thursdays" us a great match to the three days Carnival Sunday, Carnival Monday and Shrove Tuesday. Prince proclamations, parades and colorful bustle determine the image of our towns and cities.

On Ash Wednesday will be "all over". It is the forty-day journey begins after Easter. This forty-day for Easter is a way to
gift. These days we can find out how good it is that we always can begin again. We must begin again to seek God, we must start anew to ourselves and the people to meet - in short, we must begin to live again easier. Live simply means: Focus on the essentials. Trigger a dependency that makes me unfree - of things, of stimulants, or even from another person. This mental reorientation should be accompanied by conscious physical fasting. So these days are thought to Easter as a day of salvation, of repentance and new beginnings.

This year offers the Parish Association Reuland all interested persons an faith course "On the road to Emmaus." Along der Sonntagsevangelien bewegen wir uns auf Ostern zu. Die entsprechenden Bibeltexte werden dabei unter zwei Aspekten betrachtet: Zum einen werden sie in ihrer Bedeutung für den eigenen Glauben, vor allem für die Weiterentwicklung der persönlichen Gottesbeziehung erschlossen. Ebenso wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, was uns diese Schrifttexte für die heutige kirchliche Umbruchssituation sagen können. Die Treffen finden statt im Pfarrheim in Oudler an folgenden Freitagabenden: 18. März;25. März; 1. April; 8. April; 15. April; 29. April, jeweils 20,30 Uhr. Herzliche Einladung!

Auf I'd like to point a saint. On 19 March, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph. Much of it is not told, he is always in the context of salvation history, this carpenter Joseph of Nazareth. Joseph was the biblical texts is a man of quiet, humbly trusting faith. Again and again, does God in his life - again and again, it is for him to follow God's instructions to break again and again from the little security. Josef goes his way, no ifs and buts, without fear, out of the trust that God leads him.

He is the image of the caring father, loving husband, the man who hears God's voice and following them, against all the concerns and calculations. We do not know how long he has lived much of the birth of the Son of God religious narrative. Josef has fulfilled the will of God, God's instruction accepted in faith. Ask us: Let us lead by God - we look for and recognize the will of God in our daily life? This is not always easy, but possible with some thought. My personal answer is: God does not expect any spectacular actions by us, but as our full efforts, where he has placed us. But no longer no less. Joseph can give us as being a good role model.

On the night of 26th To 27 March, the clocks on "summer time" . This means that they are in the night from 2.00 to 3.00 Clock Clock advanced. One hour less sleep then! This hour will give us 30 October again returned.

All services for the month März

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stressful ...

... at the moment - but pretty stressful :-)

For organizational reasons, it was necessary to goat kids already to pick up last Saturday.

with the result that the youngest of the kids is only 10 days old. So now announced several times a day feeding bottles, which becomes quite time consuming - have since played the little devils are indeed :-)

All 3 are half-brothers and sisters and daughters of Murphy, who had indeed intended to move in with us. So paternal Toggenburg, maternal BDE once - the youngest "Mona " and two maternal Saanen goat " Mabel" and " Macey .

looks of the color-clear like a PDA. Essentially it is certainly the most confident of the 3rd She almost immediately accepted the bottle-feeding is incredibly affectionate and today for the first time independently drinking water, albeit in a rather unconventional way ;-) have a great little girl :-)

and Macey " milky coffee brown "- pretty color, let's see if it remains so. Mabel is clearly more open than Macey, which has initially been showing quite restrained. Today freüh

have been me but all three welcomed with enthusiasm :-)

following photos that we've done yet. Phone I am also currently difficult to achieve. The 3 little rascals demand very nice and the rest of the little rascals will come naturally not too short ... pretty stressful right now, but pretty stressful :-)

And now we have still managed - here look at the first photos of our three little girls:




Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Wort Gottes für den Tag, Montag, 28. Februar 2011.

What must I do to inherit eternal life? Then, Jesus asked today in the Gospel . A good question, which also my most of us certainly interested. (Read: Mk 10.17-27) There's a rich man in contact with the small community of disciples who gathered around Jesus and ask to speak to the conditions that give the right to eternal life. He does not appear that there is no action before God gives him the right and the right to heaven.

Jesus first responds Like A Lawyer: You know the commandments and gives an example: You shall not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, do not bear false witness, there shall not commit robbery, Honor your father and your mother! (Ex 20.12 to 16). The man insists that they have followed all the commandments from his youth. Jesus and is inclusive of the community to respond positively: he loved her. The man is welcome.

But then comes the crucial Council of Jesus. He does not answer the young man what he must do, but what he has to leave, that is all: "One of you is missing: Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven;! and come, follow me "(Mark 10:21) Jesus offers him an imperishable store of value 'by God, is it no one can ever take. But no wonder that the man about Jesus' answer is frightened. "He went away sorrowful. For he had great possessions" Then he sits on his property but rather than on the promises of Jesus. "How hard it is for people who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God," Jesus says the departure of the man.

Like the disciples at that time is the word of Jesus, Christians of all times he
schrecken und bestürzen. Aber er nimmt es nicht zurück, sondern schärft es noch ein: Eher geht ein Kamel durch ein Nadelöhr als dass ein Reicher in das Reich Gottes gelangt.

Natürlich muss man sich dann fragen: Wer kann dann noch gerettet werden? Können wir dann noch vor Gott bestehen? Die Provokation bleibt. Jesus fragt alle Christen: Wie hältst du es mit deinem Besitz? Hast du ihn oder hat er dich? Wo hindert er dich an der Offenheit Gott und den Menschen gegenüber?

In dieser Spannung zwischen Festhalten und Loslassen sind wir alle challenged to make our own decisions and to ask ourselves: Am I on the path that leads to life? What is important to me? What do I live? Where do I set my priorities? What should I possibly can in order to inherit eternal life? Issues that are important and that every (r) must answer for themselves. Ultimately, however, we must count on the size and goodness of God. Even in our failures he is still the absolute best. For "for God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Worte die gut tun - Worte zum nachdenken und glücklichsein

Friday, February 25, 2011

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"Wir sind auch ganz normale Leute" - Leben mit Behinderung

. I think it's outrageous if we were not serious "-" the disability is but someone decided that I was an ass , and I do not think right. "These statements come from adults with intellectual disabilities, to report the word. You do not want pity, but - like other disabled people too - and their differences recognition and respect. What it is, with disabilities to live, do the following texts illuminate. Perhaps they push for you to deal with this issue again. The lyrics invite you, especially the interaction of disabled and non disabled people to take in the view.

What is mental retardation?

It is not easy to define what is a mental disability. Anyway, it's not a disease, is believed as often. Mental disability is first and foremost an intellectual impairment, which the overall development und Lernfähigkeit mehr oder weniger stark beeinflusst.

Ursachen für geistige Behinderung

Die Ursachen für geistige Behinderung sind vielfältig und häufig noch immer nicht klar auszumachen. Es gibt genetisch bedingte, angeborene geistige Behinderung wie zum Beispiel das Down-Syndrom, früher Mongolismus genannt. Hier liegt das Chromosom Nr. 21 dreimal statt zweimal vor. Viele andere, weniger bekannte Syndrome, die zum Teil erblich bedingt sind, gehen ebenfalls mit einer geistigen Behinderung und nicht selten auch mit körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen hand in hand. Some metabolic diseases and lack of oxygen and other complications during birth can cause mental retardation. Formerly known vaccine damage often led to what today is hardly the case yet.

source: We are normal people. People with intellectual disabilities in our society. Brochure of the National Association of Life Help for people with intellectual disabilities. 2. rev. Edition, November 2006.

When you meet people with disabilities:

· people with disabilities want no pity, but respect.

· Go open and of course with disabilities are people.

· If you want to help people with disabilities, such as down stairs, it is better to ask them beforehand.

· Do not hesitate, in addition to bus and train disabled people to sit down.

· Look away not when disabled people abused verbally or even physically! Stand with them!

· If your holiday hotel with disabilities live score: warns them that they are welcome.

· Let your children or grandchildren with disabled children playing together.

· Geben Sie gegenüber behinderten Menschen ruhig offen zu, wenn Sie unsicher sind und Berührungsängste haben.

· Manchmal können geistig behinderte Menschen nicht abschätzen, wieviel Nähe ihr Gegenüber zulassen will. Scheuen Sie sich nicht, Ihre Grenze deutlich zu machen.

Jeder Moment mit meinem behinderten Sohn ist ein Geschenk

Mein Name ist Simone Ahrens. Ich bin 34 Jahre alt und von Beruf Diplom-Mathematikerin (FH). Mein Sohn Kevin ist am 21.11.1990 in Berlin geboren und kam mit einer schweren Hirnschädigung zur Welt. Er hatte vor der Geburt aufgrund einer Verdickung der Arterie zur linken Hirnhälfte einen Schlaganfall erlitten. Meine Tochter Laura Ann ist ein Jahr später am 24.12.1991 zur Welt gekommen. Ich bin seit April 1992 allein erziehend und habe zusammen mit meiner Mutter die letzten 15 Jahre gemeistert. Seit 1999 habe ich einen Freund (Partner), der auch im Rollstuhl sitzt. Er ist seit einem Unfall vor 17 Jahren querschnittsgelähmt.

I want to play with my words, what joy and what power has given me my son. I would also like to stress how beautiful life can be in spite of disability. It is worth living and every moment with my disabled son is a gift. We have lived through not only determines good times. Many a tear has been shed, but with each tear I have become stronger and have the point of what really matters. Today we are happy. We live in the present, and love is an important part of our family.

"Dear Kevin, now you're almost 16 years old and we were certainly not easy on our common path. But what I have seen in recent years you could , I feel is the best gift of my life. I thank you for your rousing laughter, your heart-rending smile, your joy, your strength and security that you give me.

You are the center of my life and the center of our little family. All our thoughts and actions tailored to you. You taught us not to reach for the stars, but the small to experience the "real" happiness and enjoy. It does not have wealth and are not restricted to career, to have a fulfilling life.

· You are the security, the gaiety and the fighter.

· you love without prejudice.

· You make us laugh, even if we do not feel like it.

· You are so carefree and pure in your heart.

· You live from day to day, without you worrying about the future. ?

· Should not everyone be a step far as you "

Simone Ahrens

Source:" Within me is Joy "ISBN 978-3 - 9810623-0-4, Doris-Verlag, Doris Stommel-Hesse, medium acidic Bach 3, 53809 Ruppichteroth Phone and Fax. 02295/903658




Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baby Phlegm Few Weeks

Wort Gottes für den Tag, Freitag, 25. Februar 2011.

And it came to pass, when he emigrated to Jerusalem, that he carried Samaria and Galilee departed. And when he came to a village, there met him ten leprous men, who stood afar off and lifted up their voice, saying: Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!

And when he saw them, he said to them, 'Go and show yourselves to the priests! And it happened when they went, they were cleansed. And one of them when he saw he was healed, he turned back, praising God with a loud voice and fell on his face to Jesus feet and thanked him. And that was a Samaritan.

Jesus answered and said, "Are not the ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Else has found no one who turned back again to give God the honor, as only this stranger? And he said to him. Get up to , go way: thy faith hath made thee whole (Lk 17.11 to 19)

not forget the thanks!

Whether someone has success or failure depends, in many areas on the quota. Musicians and politicians can sing a song about what it means to be doomed to success. The decisive factor for them ratings, sales figures and survey results. If the numbers is the world in order, if not, then they have a problem.

If we take success' to the scale and apply them to the healing of ten lepers by Jesus, then it does not look good. Certainly we can read that he has been doing for ten all pure, then owned a 100% cure rate had '. But if we read on, we must determine: Only one "turned back when he saw he was healed and praising God with a loud voice." Means that Jesus owned in a way only a 10% success rate had '. Understandably, in this situation, Jesus asks, "Where are the nine?"

At first glance, könnte man meinen: Jesus ist enttäuscht, ja wütend wegen der offensichtlichen Undankbarkeit der Neun. Vielleicht ist er das auch, aber davon sagt das Evangelium uns nichts. Es will vielmehr unseren Blick auf die unterschiedliche Haltung der Geheilten lenken: Neun von ihnen haben nichts begriffen. Sie machen aus dem Rabbi Jesus einen Wunderonkel, der schnell und ohne großen Aufwand eine Heilung vollbringt. Dann soll er Ruhe geben. Die Heilung selbst bringt die Geheilten nicht zum Nachdenken, wer denn dieser mit heilenden Kräften Begabte sein könnte.

Nur einer kommt ins Grübeln. Dem Samariter wurde bewusst, dass Jesus nicht der schnelle Wunderonkel sein will. Ein kurzes Flehen genügt not. Rescue and medical calls for more, requires sincere praise and deep thanks and a believing trust, a lifetime.

And we today? Are we not therefore particularly unhappy, frustrated, bored for society, because we have forgotten how, despite all the prosperity to thank? Because we do it like children who always say "I want this and that ...", but never learned to have" thank you "to say. And the children behave this way because they learned this behavior from the old man. We want more and more and more and have failed, for what we could reach even to thank. We call in hours of need, "Lord God, help!" And if the illness is over, we go over the agenda.

We have achieved more than people could ever dream of. But we are happy about it, become happier? Or are we not rather fled confident and dogged in the slogan: "that on mine is!" Everything is available to us, so we need to thank anybody. We are a joyless, because now, thanks to free society.

Achtet einmal darauf, wenn mehrere Menschen beisammen sind, wie das Gespräch verläuft. Da wird sehr oft darüber geschimpft, wie schlecht es uns geht. Das Wetter ist schlecht, die Ärzte sind schlecht, die Politiker tun nichts für uns, usw. Sehr selten klingt Dank oder Freude an. Selten, aber immerhin! Ja, es gibt zum Glück einige wenige, die nicht einfach nur fordern, sondern sich bewusst sind: Ich werde beschenkt, ich werde geliebt, ich darf danken ! Sie stehen für den einen Geheilten im Evangelium. Eins zu zehn ist im Evangelium die Quote. Eins zu zehn schätze ich, wird sie auch in unserer Zeit sein.

So kann uns dieses Evangelium wachrütteln bewusst auf das zu achten was wir an schönem und Gutem jeden Tag geschenkt bekommen. Teils durch andere, teils durch unser eigenes Bestreben. Wer länger überlegt, wird vielleicht feststellen, dass es doch einige Dinge gibt, für die er danken kann: für ein gutes Wort, für die Anteilnahme der Mitmenschen bei einem Sterbefall in der Familie, für einen Händedruck, der mehr sagte als viele Worte, für einen gelungenen Abend, den wir selbst, oder andere organisiert haben, für das Licht des neuen Tages, für das gute Gespräch mit einem Freund, das schon lange zurückliegt, mir aber noch als kostbare Erfahrung in Erinnerung is.

Perhaps it's only moments of happiness have been. It may not always be the cure of a serious illness. After all, we can tell them - and live. Are these experiences, our work, our own performance? Maybe we caught on: It did not me, this is in fact not make it. It is a godsend! Do we even aware of such large and especially the small experiences of happiness and we forget the ungrateful.

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sad ...

news ... already this morning.

Murphy, our planned new addition to the goats should be moved before us for the owners of the veterinarian who allegedly so much experience with goats, not neutered.

Yesterday it was then so far. Unfortunately, Murphy did not survive and bled to death after neutering ... always the same with the vets ...

How much we appreciate when our vet, who says in some cases, simply, "because I have too little idea, I never touch it - even if it is" only "about animals such as goats. But the size has to first have, and seems to be missing the majority of veterinarians ...

So sad Murphy, we would have had so much to us. Take care in the rainbow country ...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cervex Before Menstral

Zeuge gesucht - Wahl Matthias the Apostle of Jesus

"Do not tell me you did not choose, but I chose you and appointed you that ye should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should remain, "it says in John's Gospel
. The apostles community wants to close after the departure of Judas, the twelve district again. It traces: it final decision to make for a successor is not in their power alone. And there are Criteria: It must be extended to include Jüngerkreis and he may have witnessed the resurrection.

As the Lord himself chose to be young, so they can guided, in this election by Spirit of God, who for Matthias as Nachrücker the apostolic group decides.

we search for sources of veneration of St. Mathias is the New Testament tradition in Acts 1, 5-26 to secure first place. In the Days of receiving Jesus in the sky, before the feast of Pentecost, Peter called together the disciples of Jesus, and asked them to nachzuwählen instead of the traitor Judas Iscariot had become another of their number to be an apostle. The condition for the candidates is: "One of the men who were with us the whole time, because the Lord Jesus with us off and went down"

to tradition. there were two candidates who seemed to be worthy, namely, Joseph called Abbas bars, and Matthias. And so, should decide the fate. It struck Matthias, who was therefore given one as a replacement apostle still living eleven apostles. We know nothing about this apostle of the twelve circuit is now added. Neither his personal fate, nor on its activities, we know nothing historically secured.

to According to legend, Matt worked in Ethiopia and have suffered martyrdom. His relics were brought on behalf of the Empress Helena to Trier, where they are venerated in the Abbey Church of St. Matthias, who was in the Middle Ages, the destination of many pilgrimages.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Without grandparents as it gets - grandparents contribute significantly to the care of grandchildren

of Lena Kaufmann

grandma and grandpa play in the lives of young families a major role. The cliché of the socks knitting grandmother and grandfather, who smokes in the wing chair pipe is long outdated. Many grandparents are often themselves still in the working world. They have their own hobbies and interests, but are also willing to stand up for their grandchildren.

Beautiful memories of Grandma and Grandpa

the smell of grandma's apple pie I'm still in the nose. "-" My grandfather knew the funniest stories. I have not forgotten it to this day. "-" That I am so close to nature, I owe to my grandmother. Because I was made aware in a special way for plants and animals "These statements are representative of many other and provide the proof. Also, adult grandchildren, who are themselves perhaps parents or even grandparents, remember Decades later, still likes to their grandmas and grandpas. No matter how old is the grandson Granny and Grandpa to stay in most cases, closely related - even if they are long dead. This is the result of a study during which the psychologist Dr. Sabine Hoier, University of Kassel, about 1800 adults interviewed after their former relationship with Grandma and Grandpa. "Over 90 percent had mostly positive experiences with the grandparents," says Dr. Hoier.

The explanation is obvious: not grandma and grandpa who have responsibility for the upbringing of their grandchildren. You need to not bother with the thousands of small everyday things in der Summe oft zu Stress und Frustrationen bei Eltern und Kindern führen: Streit unter Geschwistern, zerrissene Hosen, Ärger mit der Lehrerin, der ewige Zank ums Fernsehen, das Mäkeln am Essen, die endlose Trödelei der Kinder am Morgen, wenn eigentlich alle pünktlich das Haus verlassen sollten.

Von all dem bleiben Großeltern in den meisten Fälle verschont. Sie können alles mit mehr Abstand sehen und sind gelassener. Und sie dürfen das Enkelkind hin und wieder auch verwöhnen – am besten mit viel Zeit. Eltern sollten dabei kein schlechtes Gewissen haben. Denn es tut ihren Kindern einfach gut, einen Ort zu haben, an dem sie einmal auftanken und die Regelmäßigkeiten of everyday life forgotten. Once with Grandma and Grandpa to stay up late into the night and watch an old movie or wasting your whole afternoon with natter and card games: The benefits are enjoyed by children only with their grandparents. Parents can rest easy. Because even small children learn very soon that are at Grandma and Grandpa other laws than at home.

grandparents: a strong team

But grandparents must share in most cases, the favor of the grandchildren with the other grandparents. "Jealousies are very normal there," said Dr. Sabine Hoier. "It depends a lot on your parents, how well the relationship between the two sets of grandparents is. Because they bear the responsibility. "This means that they talk with the children carefully and respectfully over both sets of grandparents. "The important thing is that the grandparents have contact with each other," says the psychologist. "Even if there are people with whom one does not have much else in common: love for their grandchildren is a strong bond." And the grandchildren always does well when her two grandmothers and Grandpa's are good.

also sometimes think of themselves

Even if today's grandparents do not fit into the typical grandma-grandpa-role stereotype and - far from it - look young and dynamic: "The grandson care for all respondents is the most significant aspect of life," Dr. Sabine Hoier has experienced in its survey. "Rn grandmothers this care has always been important. But do the Grandfathers here caught up enormously. "There is even used by the profession has very stressed and irritated caring father to grandfather, for the time with the grandchildren highest priority.

grandparents should the other hand, even their lives because of the grandchildren not transform completely. "It is important that they maintain their activities," advises Dr. Sabine Hoier. "If grandparents neglecting the raison their own needs, creeps in the long term dissatisfaction." Very important for children that grandparents history experience them. They are witnesses of a time to know the children usually only heard about. Grandchildren depend on banned grandparents face when they tell about Mom and Dad's childhood days. Or if the journey goes further and leads to the childhood of their grandparents. Source:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Death Anniverssry Sample Invitation

Festival of the Chair of Peter on 22 Today in 21st February

"You are the Christ, the Son of God" (Matt. 16:16). Thus, Peter was the first to confess Jesus as the Son of God. This is not a result of his purely human experience and reflection. Jesus says, "not flesh and blood have revealed it unto thee, sondern mein Vater im Himmel“ (Mt 16,17). Der Glaube, zu dem Petrus gefunden hat, ist im Letzten ein Geschenk Gottes.

Jesus bestätigt den Glauben seines Apostels Simon und gibt ihm einen neuen Namen: „Ich aber sage dir: Du bist Petrus, der Fels, und auf diesen Felsen werde ich meine
Kirche bauen, und die Mächte der Unterwelt werden sie nicht überwältigen“ (Mt 16,18). Dieser Felsendienst des Petrus soll in den Augen Jesu mehr sein als nur ein Symbol . Denn Jesus sagt weiter: „Ich werde dir die Schlüssel des Himmelreiches geben; was du auf Erden binden wirst, das wird auch im Himmel gebunden sein, und was du auf Erden lösen wirst, das wird auch im Himmel gelöst sein“ (Mt 16,19). Die Schlüsselgewalt bedeutet Macht und Ehre, aber noch mehr stellt sie die Last der Verantwortung dar: Dem Petrus ist der Dienst der Einheit aufgetragen. Er soll das sichtbare Fundament der Gemeinschaft sein, in dem die Kirche ihre Festigkeit gewinnt. In jeder Eucharistiefeier wird für den Nachfolger des Petrus gebetet. Nur im Vertrauen auf den Heiligen Geist kann er den Platz auf der Kathedra Petri einnehmen.

Kathedra Petri heißt das Fest, welches die Kirche am heutigen Tag, dem 22. Februar, feierlich begeht. Kathedra Petri bedeutet so viel wie ‚Stuhl des Petrus'. Das Fest dient in der katholischen church today but the memory of the transfer of the special pastoral ministry, the papacy, to Peter and to the establishment of the Episcopal See of Rome by Peter, it is in Rome at mid-4th Century testifies. We must now think of the 264 bishops of Rome, which are followed to Peter as Pope in the service of the Church of Jesus Christ.

The church is not only represented by the see of Rome, but we are all stones with which Jesus builds his Church and in which he lives. And as a "petri" stones, we have an obligation to his work which he has begun to continue. The should be our personal responsibility as Christians. This Jesus has called us and makes us think about the Feast of the Chair of Peter.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Joyflamingo Wrestling

February 2011

Calories Ham Lunch Meat

pickings ...

... to New York City and the Westminster Kennel Show 2011th

Altogether 'time to say only one thing: it was beautiful!
Good luck I had with the weather, which even in February is not a given ... except on a day where clouds are always pulled through, there was consistently brilliant sunshine, cold, of course. But is also in New York Winter ;-)

This time I'm also a bit on classic tourist paths changed - for example, at the Rockefeller Center. Unbelievable this city!

The view from my hotel room:

and the view from Rockefeller Center:

Concerning the Westminster show, I've already written a lot (and finally, the Photos in the respective posts inserted). Impressive in many Hinsich, no question. But of course, unpleasant aspects.

Docked Breeds in the U.S. and throughout all still docked, coming from a Kupierverbot seems to be no question. In dogs that need to be trimmed but expensive It is also natural that they spend half the day at the table with the gallows. Spraying, dying and the whole range is on the agenda ... sooo long but it certainly is with us still not here, that anything goes ...

Here is a glimpse into the hall. See is exactly half of the hall, 2 rings, each divided again depending on 2 rings were thus 4 rings plus a further 2 large rings in the other (not visible) half. Overall, only 6 rings for 2,500 dogs, to be sent in 2 days ... unbelievable but true: it works! It gave precise schedules were adhered to as much as possible. Clear that the judging is completely different than ours, Judge Protocols There are of course not.
A masterpiece of organization.

And at the end even the image of a Landseer, who had at some point enough, and flung himself has relaxed :-)

... and I'm looking forward to my next trip to NYC, scheduled for October :-)