Der Monat März im Überblick
Der März ist der dritte Monat des Jahres im Gregorianischen Kalender und ist der erste Frühlings-
monat . Schneeglöckchen, Narzissen, Krokusse und Tulpen werden radiation from the sun
and elicited the mild temperatures from the earth and bloom in competition. In mild climate areas, the first fruit trees bloom.
The domestic animals again awaken from their hibernation and return from their winter quarters in the south. You can see and hear the first and cranes. These animals can now find enough to eat with us and can draw their breeding areas.
The Insekten erwachen ab einer bestimmten Temperatur aus ihrer Winterstarre und suchen nach Nahrung und beginnen mit der Brut. Die Tiere in Feld und Wald werden sich nun auf Partnersuche begeben – und auch bei den Menschen kann man beobachten, dass sie irgendwie fröhlicher sind. „Frühlingsgefühle“ stellen sich ein. Der lange Winter drückte auf’s Gemüt. Nun reagiert der Körper auf die frische Luft, die zarten Sonnenstrahlen und die milde Luft.
Für den Monat März insgesamt, sowie für einzelne Tage des Monats erdachte der Volksmund a predominantly agrarian society where a large number of economically Bauer rules which often create short-to medium-term weather forecasts for the subsequent period.
• The March is like a wolf coming and going like a lamb.
• A lazy, humid March is every farmer's pain.
• March is green again soon hin.
• Märzensonne – kurze Wonne.
• Säst du im März zu früh ist’s oft vergeb'ne Müh'.
• Gibt's im März zu vielen Regen, bringt die Ernte wenig Segen.
Und was geschieht während des Monates März in der Kirche ?
There are good days ahead. The " fats Thursdays" or "Möhne
Thursdays" us a great match to the three days Carnival Sunday, Carnival Monday and Shrove Tuesday. Prince proclamations, parades and colorful bustle determine the image of our towns and cities.
On Ash Wednesday will be "all over". It is the forty-day journey begins after Easter. This forty-day for Easter is a way to gift. These days we can find out how good it is that we always can begin again. We must begin again to seek God, we must start anew to ourselves and the people to meet - in short, we must begin to live again easier. Live simply means: Focus on the essentials. Trigger a dependency that makes me unfree - of things, of stimulants, or even from another person. This mental reorientation should be accompanied by conscious physical fasting. So these days are thought to Easter as a day of salvation, of repentance and new beginnings.
This year offers the Parish Association Reuland all interested persons an faith course "On the road to Emmaus." Along der Sonntagsevangelien bewegen wir uns auf Ostern zu. Die entsprechenden Bibeltexte werden dabei unter zwei Aspekten betrachtet: Zum einen werden sie in ihrer Bedeutung für den eigenen Glauben, vor allem für die Weiterentwicklung der persönlichen Gottesbeziehung erschlossen. Ebenso wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, was uns diese Schrifttexte für die heutige kirchliche Umbruchssituation sagen können. Die Treffen finden statt im Pfarrheim in Oudler an folgenden Freitagabenden: 18. März;25. März; 1. April; 8. April; 15. April; 29. April, jeweils 20,30 Uhr. Herzliche Einladung!
Auf I'd like to point a saint. On 19 March, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph. Much of it is not told, he is always in the context of salvation history, this carpenter Joseph of Nazareth. Joseph was the biblical texts is a man of quiet, humbly trusting faith. Again and again, does God in his life - again and again, it is for him to follow God's instructions to break again and again from the little security. Josef goes his way, no ifs and buts, without fear, out of the trust that God leads him.
He is the image of the caring father, loving husband, the man who hears God's voice and following them, against all the concerns and calculations. We do not know how long he has lived much of the birth of the Son of God religious narrative. Josef has fulfilled the will of God, God's instruction accepted in faith. Ask us: Let us lead by God - we look for and recognize the will of God in our daily life? This is not always easy, but possible with some thought. My personal answer is: God does not expect any spectacular actions by us, but as our full efforts, where he has placed us. But no longer no less. Joseph can give us as being a good role model.
On the night of 26th To 27 March, the clocks on "summer time" . This means that they are in the night from 2.00 to 3.00 Clock Clock advanced. One hour less sleep then! This hour will give us 30 October again returned.
All services for the month März
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