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Wort Gottes für den Tag, Montag, 28. Februar 2011. What must I do to inherit eternal life? Then, Jesus asked today in the Gospel
. A good question, which also my most of us certainly interested. (Read: Mk 10.17-27) There's a rich man in contact with the small community of disciples who gathered around Jesus and ask to speak to the conditions that give the right to eternal life. He does not appear that there is no action before God gives him the right and the right to heaven.
Jesus first responds Like A Lawyer: You know the commandments and gives an example: You shall not kill, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, do not bear false witness, there shall not commit robbery, Honor your father and your mother! (Ex 20.12 to 16). The man insists that they have followed all the commandments from his youth. Jesus and is inclusive of the community to respond positively: he loved her. The man is welcome.
But then comes the crucial Council of Jesus. He does not answer the young man what he must do, but what he has to leave, that is all: "One of you is missing: Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven;! and come, follow me "(Mark 10:21) Jesus offers him an imperishable store of value 'by God, is it no one can ever take. But no wonder that the man about Jesus' answer is frightened. "He went away sorrowful. For he had great possessions" Then he sits on his property but rather than on the promises of Jesus. "How hard it is for people who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God," Jesus says the departure of the man.
Like the disciples at that time is the word of Jesus, Christians of all times he
schrecken und bestürzen. Aber er nimmt es nicht zurück, sondern schärft es noch ein: Eher geht ein Kamel durch ein Nadelöhr als dass ein Reicher in das Reich Gottes gelangt.
Natürlich muss man sich dann fragen: Wer kann dann noch gerettet werden? Können wir dann noch vor Gott bestehen? Die Provokation bleibt. Jesus fragt alle Christen: Wie hältst du es mit deinem Besitz? Hast du ihn oder hat er dich? Wo hindert er dich an der Offenheit Gott und den Menschen gegenüber?
In dieser Spannung zwischen Festhalten und Loslassen sind wir
alle challenged to make our own decisions and to ask ourselves: Am I on the path that leads to life? What is important to me? What do I live? Where do I set my priorities? What should I possibly can in order to inherit eternal life? Issues that are important and that every (r) must answer for themselves. Ultimately, however, we must count on the size and goodness of God. Even in our failures he is still the absolute best. For "for God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27).
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