On Wednesday we heard in reading how God created the first man, Adam. Yesterday we were then witness as Adam corresponded to every beast of the field, the sky and the sea was a name, but "a help to the people he was not (Gen. 2:20). So it is that God, the Lord, a deep sleep dropped on the people of sleep, God took out a rib and formed from the woman (cf. Gen 2.21 f).
The basic message of this story is: man is entirely a creature of God! He is even his favorite creature, even if he created last of all living things. And another thing: Both men and women relate to each other. God has created from scratch each other . "Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh." (Gen 2:24)
The loss of Paradise
Adam and Eve lived happily and fulfilled a long time in paradise. But then people are arrogant. You want to be self göttlic h, the master of good and evil: the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that had made the Lord God. She said to the woman, Did God really say: You must by no Tree of the garden to eat? The woman answered the serpent, "Of the fruit of the trees in the garden we may eat; But of the fruit of the tree that stands in the middle of the garden, said God, which you may eat and it is likely not touch it, lest you die. Then the serpent said to the woman: No, you will not die. God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will, it will be like God, knowing good and evil. The woman saw that it would be delicious to eat of
the tree that the tree was a feast for the eyes, and desirable for gaining wisdom. She took of its fruit and ate, she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. There were two eyes, and they realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. them as the Lord God, in the garden heard striding against the Tagwind, Adam and his wife hid themselves from God, the Lord under the trees of the garden . (Gen 3.1 to 8)
In this story the snake is initially nothing more than become the person tempted. They sow doubt and distrust among the people and then pulling back gently. The seeds will rise.
What was the sin? In eating the forbidden fruit. But that was the forbidden fruit? Whether it was an apple or a pear - the Bible says neither the one nor the other - is not important. is essential that people did not trust God, refused to obey him and the fruit of the crack, which he hoped the knowledge of good and evil: knowledge is power, fullness of life. The consequences are briefly mentioned: The people are ashamed of each other and before God.
separation, fear, division: that is the world ever since. For sin was not only once, it happens all the time, so it grows with the opportunities that accrue to the people over the millennia.
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