of the first places
from the ruling and the serving
Da traten Jakobus und Johannes, die Söhne des Zebedäus, zu ihm und sagten: Meister, wir möchten, dass du uns eine Bitte erfüllst. Er antwortete: Was soll ich für euch tun? Sie sagten zu ihm: Lass in deinem Reich einen von uns rechts und den andern links neben dir sitzen.
Jesus erwiderte: Ihr wisst nicht, um was ihr bittet. Könnt ihr den Kelch trinken, I drink, or take you to the baptism with which I am baptized? They said: We can. Then Jesus said unto them: Ye shall drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized. But to sit at my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but where are the seats, for which these places are determined.
When the ten other disciples heard this, they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them to him and said, You know that oppress those who are supposed to rule, their peoples and those in power abuse their power over people. be with you but it will not be so, but whoever would be great among you, shall be your servant, and who wants to be first among you shall be slave of all be. For even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. (Mk 10.35-45)
This is where today's Gospel is a very informative event. Here us, the two sons of Zebedee, in all their humanity, presented with all its defects. Let's be honest, my fellow Christians who would like one of us likes the third, fourth or even the be the last. No, a place left or right of first us is just right.
I like this idea but not now carry on, but you on something ganz anderes hinweisen was mir bei der näheren Betrachtung dieses Textes aufgefallen ist. Es liegt sozusagen etwas verborgen im Text und ist erst auf den zweiten Blick zu erkennen.
Die beiden bitten also darum, im Reiche Jesu die beiden Ehrenplätze einzunehmen. Bei allem Negativen, was wir jetzt mit dieser Aussage verbinden können, drücken sie damit aber auch aus, dass für sie schon zum damaligen Zeitpunkt feststand dass Jesus der Sieger sein werde. Für sie steht außer Zweifel fest, dass er aus dem Leiden, das ihm bevorsteht, und von dem er ihnen erzählte, als der Sieger hervorgehen is. It is for them even at this time of the Messiah. Even if they think of this earthly kingdom still, they are in their doing it and believe that Jesus' life will not end in death but in a new life. In this new life they want to secure a good seat.
Jesus helps the two continued by saying: "I do not have to forgive these places, be sitting there for those for whom it is intended. So it's not on the court,
on the ranking to, but on an intimate communion of life with Jesus Christ. why following the announcement of the suffering of the call to discipleship. To serve, not to rule the disciple is called. Jesus understood his way as well: As a service to the sacrifice of life. "If my J ü receiver will be, let him deny himself, - take up his cross and follow me. - For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it. Letting go (Matthew 16:24-25)
, open to give up, his servant: this challenges us to Jesus in the Gospel today. All this, is often difficult, and yet we feel and imagine, if it succeeds even know what freedom and what's in it just wealth. This new cultural life of Jesus, which is based not on reputation, property and power, but his confidence is in God alone could change the world.
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