Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Undercooked Meat Disease

Aschermittwoch - Beginn der 40-tägigen Fastenzeit

With today's Ash Wednesday begins a new era in the church year: Lent, or rather the Lent, as we call these weeks until Easter.

Lent is no time available so that in itself, but we need to be read in conjunction with the festival is at its end: Easter. It comes down this 40-day fast. At the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we should prepare ourselves. Let us in these forty days of St.. Paul admonish us in the reading says that now is the acceptable time, now that the day of salvation are there (2 Cor 6:2).

begin healing hours when we awake and aware than usual live, if we file negligence. Our bodies, our heart and our soul is to fast from all that what makes us sick, what keeps us locked for God and people.

said in that time Jesus to his disciples, "Beware, make your righteousness before men to show, otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven to be expected. When you give alms, let not herposaunen before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, to be praised by men. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

When you give alms, let your left hand does not know what your right hand is doing.

your charity is to be concealed and thy Father which seeth in secret, it will reward you.

When you pray, do not imitate the hypocrites. They were raised in prayer like in the synagogues and on street corners in order to be seen of men. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

But you go into your room when you pray, and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

makes When you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites. It's all a gloomy appearance, so that people notice that they are fasting. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward.

But you anoint your head when you fast, and wash your face, so people do not realize that you are fasting, except to your Father who sees in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you (Mt 6,1-6.16-18).

Wenn wir am Aschermittwoch daran erinnert werden, wie vergänglich unser Leben ist, dann will die Kirche damit nicht sagen: Es hat ja doch alles keinen Sinn; es lohnt sich überhaupt nicht, sich in diesem Leben anzustrengen. Ganz im Gegenteil, sie will uns anspornen, damit wir uns für die richtigen Dinge einsetzen, für das, was bleibt.

It is in life not just for first career to great prestige, fame, influence, power, all this goes. It is rather to use the time to change the world, for better to shape a better world, or, to put it in the words of the Bible to build God's kingdom. And the efforts are worth it, because it stays!

The Church gives us for this reflection very good way to make a kind of tools that will help us to our strength for the right things einsetzen, nämlich dafür, die Welt zu verbessern. Ja! Christen sind Weltverbesserer - aber nicht in einem utopischen, unrealistischen, romantischen Sinn, sondern die an ihrem Ort, in ihrem Bereich, in ihrem schlichten Alltag anpacken und ernst machen mit dem Evangelium. Das heißt: eben nicht nur einen Blick zu haben für das, was mir nützt, was mich weiter bringt, sondern vor allem einen Blick dafür zu haben, was allen nützt, was die Welt weiterbringt, was meinem Nächsten genauso hilft wie mir selbst. Diese Werkzeuge, die Hilfsmittel, die uns an die Hand gegeben werden, das sind die drei Dinge, die uns im Evangelium gesagt wurden: Almosen geben, Beten, Fasten.

give alms, that means the view for the neighbors and their needs remain open. We often have a very sensitive sense developed for our own needs, for what use to me and helps and gives pleasure. And that's fine too. But it is necessary that we have at least as sensitive to the needs of others.

pray, that means always looking for the connection with God. Living out of this connection attempt. From here, to draw forth ever new strength. In prayer, I get the strength I always re-use. Prayer is: time and again consider what God wants and expects from me. He will tell us directly in the rarest cases. In prayer, but I will stay with God in such a close connection that I feel what he wants from me without having to say it explicitly. And that's why prayer is so important and so helpful, especially at a time when I may be my goals, the basic direction of my life check.

fasting : This tool has lent its name. Fasting should not be misunderstood: It's not about mortification. On the contrary, it is about to take a look at: What's good? this I get an eye for free: What I really need to live and what might be nice, but not a necessary accessory? The conscious avoidance of some luxury, perhaps even real fast at the same time we can be thankful for all the things we think otherwise take for granted. And he makes room for new experiences: Who, for example, during Lent once dispensed on television, has suddenly room to read a good book or even something with the family To undertake or just to think about themselves or to pray.

waiver is not self-torture, but makes clear for new experiences. give alms, prayer and fasting: these are three tools that will help us discover what really matters in life that remains, even if we once turned to dust.

Trade Between Platinum Soul Silver

We ...

... thank for the numerous requests from Denmark - currently 34 in a few days ;-)

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much For Cement Basketball Court

Kalenderblatt 8. März 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Religious Sport Quote

Wort Gottes für den Tag, Sonntag, 2. März 2011

The debates over the headscarf ban, the building of mosques and also dealing with Islam in general are out sometimes quite heatedly and with different arguments. Striking is always the argument of fear, eventually overrun by Islam to be .

would not assess that dramatic I know, but I think that something like this could well happen. The blame, however, would not look at our Muslim brothers, but as Christians we have to take us even to his own nose. What makes Islam seem so strong? - It's the attitude to their own faith. The conviction of what he professes, and the determination to what you believe in life and want to implement the public to what one believes. Since Islam has a lot ahead of us.

course I do not wish to conceal just that in the context of the Koran and the Muslims have a lot to criticize. We all know the wrong forms of Islamic faith and the consequences can arise from a misguided interpretation of the Koran. We see them almost every day on television. But we have to differentiate and assess the situation objectively. Not everyone with devout Muslims also

while an explosives belt around the waist. I even believe that the majority of Muslims reject violence.

Wir könnten an ihnen aber etwas abschauen: Uns Christen täte ein wenig mehr Mut und Standfestigkeit manchmal ganz gut. Dazu will uns auch der heutige Lesungstext aus dem Buch Deuteronomium auffordern: „Diese meine Worte sollt ihr auf euer Herz und auf eure Seele schreiben. Ihr sollt sie als Zeichen um das Handgelenk binden. Sie sollen zum Schmuck auf eurer Stirn werden" (Dtn 11,18). Da gibt Mose dem Volk Israel den Auftrag, sich mit dem Wort Gottes zu schmücken. Und er meint das wirklich wortwörtiich. Sie sollen sich die zehn Worte JHWH‘s , wir sagen die zehn Gebote, auf Herz und Seele schreiben, sie sollen sie als Zeichen um das Handgelenk binden und die zehn Worte JHWH‘s als Schmuck auf der Stirn tragen, damit sie diese auf keinen Fall vergessen.

Fromme Juden nehmen diese Bibelstelle ganz wörtlich. Zum Gottesdienst binden sie sich kleine Kapsein mit Lederschnüren um das Handgelenk und auf die Stirn und in der Kapsel ist tatsachlich das Wort Gottes - nämlich ein Satz aus dem Alten Testament, in dem das Entscheidende der Bibel zusammengefasst ist: "Höre lsrael! Jahwe, unser Gott, ist der einzige Gott! Du sollst den Herrn, deinen Gott lieben mit ganzem Herzen, mit ganzer Seele und mit deiner ganzen Kraft!“ Daran soll man erkennen können, wohin dieser Mensch gehört: zum Volk Gottes und es wird deutlich, dass er seinen Glauben ernst nimmt und einen festen Standpunkt im Leben hat.

Das - so stellt Mose im Namen Gottes klar - bedeutet Segen. Wer das Wort Gottes hört und es im Herzen trägt, wer sich öffentlich dazu bekennt erfährt Segen. Wer das Wort Gottes aber ablehnt oder sich scheut im Alltag zu ihm zu stehen, und statt dessen Iieber anderen Göttern nachläuft, der zieht einen Fluch auf sich.

Das, liebe Christen, sind harte Worte für verwöhnte Westeuropäische Ohren. Aber sie stehen so in der hl. Schrift. Und anstatt Angst vor einem mächtigen lslam zu haben, sollten wir lieber prüfen, wie wir zum Wort Gottes stehen. lst es wirklich Guide our lives? Does it have a meaning for me, or is it in one ear and out the other out?

will do just that in today's Gospel Jesus also evident when he says: "Not everyone comes into the kingdom of heaven, and saying to me, Lord! Lord! But he who uniquely positioned the will of my Father in heaven "(Matt. 7:21). It needs to enter into heaven as it were a sort of identity card, a sign that I'm recognized. And since not a religious

lip meets with the motto: "Oh, Jesus Iieber, we were always best friends," But! because it takes something really visible, presentable.

The love of God, as it must have become visible in our actions: "He who hears My words and acts, is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock (! Mt 7:24) God's word will be heard not only by the religious motto.. to one ear and out again to another, but it must be condensed into action This only creates a solid foundation for our deeds will be like a brand, anyone can see by the, from which we live, what we have created our lives to the love of one God and his creatures.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Letter Sample For Church Anniversary

Ostbelgische Jugendliche freuen sich auf den 26. Weltjugendtag
 in Madrid

Auch in Ostbelgien haben Jugendliche das Datum bereits seit langem in ihrer Agenda; genau seit Ende Juli 2008. Da wurde nämlich in Sydney bekannt, dass die nächste Etappe der Reise nach Spanien, genauer: nach Madrid führt, zum Weltjugendtag

Ein Bericht von Lothar Klinges

Zwei große internationale Jugendtreffen in Rom 1984 und 1985 entfachten so große Begeisterung, dass Papst Johannes Paul II die Weltjugendtage ins Leben rief. Alle zwei bis drei Jahre lädt seitdem der Papst zu einem internationalen Treffen ein. Zu Hunderttausenden pilgern junge People from all over the world in one of the world cities in order to jointly find the faith and celebrate. The last World Youth Day was held in July 2008 in Sydney, Australia. With 300,000 participants, it was the biggest event ever held in Australia. The Euroregion was with 400 young pilgrims, including 30 young people from eastern Belgium, led by Pastor Joseph Keutgen, there.

Each World Youth Day will be celebrated under the theme Biblical. The motto of the 26th World Youth Day on 16 to 21 August 2011 is from the Epistle to the Colossians: "Rooted in Christ and founded on it, firm in faith" (Colossians 2:7)

The logo

The letters of the World Youth Day logo stand for "Jornada Mundial de la Juventud," the English term for World Youth Day. The designer of the logo, Jose Gil-Nogues, had reported to his draft one of the Archdiocese of Madrid, led by Archbishop Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, also in 1989, when Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, the then Fourth World Youth Day had done, won the competition announced. Jose Gil-Nogues stated in the crown was an "M" to recognize that for Mary and for Madrid stands. - The symbol also stands for the crown of the Virgin of Almudena, venerated as the patron saint of Madrid. The cross makes the theme for World Youth Day clear. "Rooted and founded in Christ, a believer" The use of warm colors (red, orange and yellow) provides unmistakable warmth and heat, characteristic of a city like Madrid, a country like Spain. These colors also reflect the "heat of the divine Trinity love" resist.


The youth ministry "Euregio" is several hundred young people from the dioceses Luxembourg, Liège, Troyes, Langres and Trier in August 2011 to be there at the World Youth Day in Madrid. The days of the meeting they will spend in the diocese of Leon. For those who already want to start to save: The bus ride to the days of the meeting in León and the World Youth Days in Madrid, including homestay or shared housing and schools will be expected to move in price at 600 €.

days of meetings

leads the way to Madrid to León. This diocese is located in northwestern Spain. It has Based in Leon, the former center of Christian Spain, which today stands like a sentry at the edge of the great Castilian heartland. It is the last major town on the Camino before this winds up the west into the mountains, separating Castile in Galicia.

A Euregio delegation, the leaders of the youth ministry in Leon, Juanjo, knotted initial contact and was informed about the state of preparations in Leon. The aim of the "days of encounter" of 11 to 15 August, preceding the World Youth Day is to provide insights into the culture and life of the host country. why wird das fünf Tage dauernde Programm in der nordspanischen Diözese durch Begegnungen zwischen Jugendlichen aus der Euregio, Spaniern und weiteren internationalen Gästen geprägt sein. Außer ihnen werden auch junge Menschen aus Kolumbien, England und Frankreich den ersten Teil ihrer Weltjugendtagsreise in León verbringen. Das Bistum León plant, insgesamt 2000 WJT-Pilger aufzunehmen.
Neben einer Erkundungsrallye, verschiedenen Workshops und einem Gottesdienst steht eine Tageswallfahrt auf dem Jakobsweg zur Wallfahrtkirche Virgen del Camino auf dem Programm.

Herzlich eingeladen zur Teilnahme sind alle Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen aus den Diözesen Langres, Luxemburg, Lüttich, Trier, Troyes, Metz and Verdun. The age for the diocese of Liege is set for the participants to 17 to 30 years. Register by 31 March with Andreas Hock, Tel 0472/887883, E-mail: andreas@hock.be or the Youth Service of the Diocese of Liege, rue des Bruyères, 127, 4000 Liège, Tel 04/2297937 Fax: 04/2297938, e- Mail: sdjliege@skynet.be, Web: www.sdjliege.be font or www.jmj-euregio.org/

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Agitator Diego Rivera Message

Mit der Weiberfastnacht nähert sich der Karneval seinem Höhepunkt

at the three fat Thursdays before Carnival it is particularly the women, the fall in the revelry. Dressed as Möhner they usually occur in groups and have a quasi Obermöhn, chairman 'or' President '. In many places, they stormed the town halls, city hall received the keys from the hands of the mayor and then move through the villages. Men in ties are their favorite victims, which the tie will be reduced considerably. Motorists are stopped and asked for a donation.

Shown here are a selection of photos from this year's session Möhner Lascheid, Maspelt and Bracht.

more pictures of Weiberfastnacht see HERE

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shooting Pain From Neck Down Left Side Of Back

Über die Liebe

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Broken Red Capillaries On Chest And Shoulders

Wort Gottes für den Tag, Mittwoch, 2. März 2011.

of the first places

from the ruling and the serving

Da traten Jakobus und Johannes, die Söhne des Zebedäus, zu ihm und sagten: Meister, wir möchten, dass du uns eine Bitte erfüllst. Er antwortete: Was soll ich für euch tun? Sie sagten zu ihm: Lass in deinem Reich einen von uns rechts und den andern links neben dir sitzen.

Jesus erwiderte: Ihr wisst nicht, um was ihr bittet. Könnt ihr den Kelch trinken, I drink, or take you to the baptism with which I am baptized? They said: We can. Then Jesus said unto them: Ye shall drink the cup that I drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized. But to sit at my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but where are the seats, for which these places are determined.

When the ten other disciples heard this, they became indignant with James and John. Jesus called them to him and said, You know that oppress those who are supposed to rule, their peoples and those in power abuse their power over people. be with you but it will not be so, but whoever would be great among you, shall be your servant, and who wants to be first among you shall be slave of all be. For even the Son of man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many. (Mk 10.35-45)

This is where today's Gospel is a very informative event. Here us, the two sons of Zebedee, in all their humanity, presented with all its defects. Let's be honest, my fellow Christians who would like one of us likes the third, fourth or even the be the last. No, a place left or right of first us is just right.

I like this idea but not now carry on, but you on something ganz anderes hinweisen was mir bei der näheren Betrachtung dieses Textes aufgefallen ist. Es liegt sozusagen etwas verborgen im Text und ist erst auf den zweiten Blick zu erkennen.

Die beiden bitten also darum, im Reiche Jesu die beiden Ehrenplätze einzunehmen. Bei allem Negativen, was wir jetzt mit dieser Aussage verbinden können, drücken sie damit aber auch aus, dass für sie schon zum damaligen Zeitpunkt feststand dass Jesus der Sieger sein werde. Für sie steht außer Zweifel fest, dass er aus dem Leiden, das ihm bevorsteht, und von dem er ihnen erzählte, als der Sieger hervorgehen is. It is for them even at this time of the Messiah. Even if they think of this earthly kingdom still, they are in their doing it and believe that Jesus' life will not end in death but in a new life. In this new life they want to secure a good seat.

Jesus helps the two continued by saying: "I do not have to forgive these places, be sitting there for those for whom it is intended. So it's not on the court,

on the ranking to, but on an intimate communion of life with Jesus Christ. why following the announcement of the suffering of the call to discipleship. To serve, not to rule the disciple is called. Jesus understood his way as well: As a service to the sacrifice of life. "If my J ü receiver will be, let him deny himself, - take up his cross and follow me. - For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it. Letting go (Matthew 16:24-25)

, open to give up, his servant: this challenges us to Jesus in the Gospel today. All this, is often difficult, and yet we feel and imagine, if it succeeds even know what freedom and what's in it just wealth. This new cultural life of Jesus, which is based not on reputation, property and power, but his confidence is in God alone could change the world.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Propertyratesin Kharghar

Neues im Pfarrverband Reuland im Monat März

Der Monat März im Überblick

Der März ist der dritte Monat des Jahres im Gregorianischen Kalender und ist der erste Frühlings-

monat . Schneeglöckchen, Narzissen, Krokusse und Tulpen werden radiation from the sun

and elicited the mild temperatures from the earth and bloom in competition. In mild climate areas, the first fruit trees bloom.

The domestic animals again awaken from their hibernation and return from their winter quarters in the south. You can see and hear the first and cranes. These animals can now find enough to eat with us and can draw their breeding areas.

The Insekten erwachen ab einer bestimmten Temperatur aus ihrer Winterstarre und suchen nach Nahrung und beginnen mit der Brut. Die Tiere in Feld und Wald werden sich nun auf Partnersuche begeben – und auch bei den Menschen kann man beobachten, dass sie irgendwie fröhlicher sind. „Frühlingsgefühle“ stellen sich ein. Der lange Winter drückte auf’s Gemüt. Nun reagiert der Körper auf die frische Luft, die zarten Sonnenstrahlen und die milde Luft.

Für den Monat März insgesamt, sowie für einzelne Tage des Monats erdachte der Volksmund a predominantly agrarian society where a large number of economically Bauer rules which often create short-to medium-term weather forecasts for the subsequent period.

The March is like a wolf coming and going like a lamb.

A lazy, humid March is every farmer's pain.

March is green again soon hin.

Märzensonne – kurze Wonne.

Säst du im März zu früh ist’s oft vergeb'ne Müh'.

Gibt's im März zu vielen Regen, bringt die Ernte wenig Segen.

Und was geschieht während des Monates März in der Kirche ?

There are good days ahead. The " fats Thursdays" or "Möhne

Thursdays" us a great match to the three days Carnival Sunday, Carnival Monday and Shrove Tuesday. Prince proclamations, parades and colorful bustle determine the image of our towns and cities.

On Ash Wednesday will be "all over". It is the forty-day journey begins after Easter. This forty-day for Easter is a way to
gift. These days we can find out how good it is that we always can begin again. We must begin again to seek God, we must start anew to ourselves and the people to meet - in short, we must begin to live again easier. Live simply means: Focus on the essentials. Trigger a dependency that makes me unfree - of things, of stimulants, or even from another person. This mental reorientation should be accompanied by conscious physical fasting. So these days are thought to Easter as a day of salvation, of repentance and new beginnings.

This year offers the Parish Association Reuland all interested persons an faith course "On the road to Emmaus." Along der Sonntagsevangelien bewegen wir uns auf Ostern zu. Die entsprechenden Bibeltexte werden dabei unter zwei Aspekten betrachtet: Zum einen werden sie in ihrer Bedeutung für den eigenen Glauben, vor allem für die Weiterentwicklung der persönlichen Gottesbeziehung erschlossen. Ebenso wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, was uns diese Schrifttexte für die heutige kirchliche Umbruchssituation sagen können. Die Treffen finden statt im Pfarrheim in Oudler an folgenden Freitagabenden: 18. März;25. März; 1. April; 8. April; 15. April; 29. April, jeweils 20,30 Uhr. Herzliche Einladung!

Auf I'd like to point a saint. On 19 March, we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph. Much of it is not told, he is always in the context of salvation history, this carpenter Joseph of Nazareth. Joseph was the biblical texts is a man of quiet, humbly trusting faith. Again and again, does God in his life - again and again, it is for him to follow God's instructions to break again and again from the little security. Josef goes his way, no ifs and buts, without fear, out of the trust that God leads him.

He is the image of the caring father, loving husband, the man who hears God's voice and following them, against all the concerns and calculations. We do not know how long he has lived much of the birth of the Son of God religious narrative. Josef has fulfilled the will of God, God's instruction accepted in faith. Ask us: Let us lead by God - we look for and recognize the will of God in our daily life? This is not always easy, but possible with some thought. My personal answer is: God does not expect any spectacular actions by us, but as our full efforts, where he has placed us. But no longer no less. Joseph can give us as being a good role model.

On the night of 26th To 27 March, the clocks on "summer time" . This means that they are in the night from 2.00 to 3.00 Clock Clock advanced. One hour less sleep then! This hour will give us 30 October again returned.

All services for the month März

Klicken Sie in die Scheibe

Fm Modulation Circuit Diagram On Ne566

stressful ...

... at the moment - but pretty stressful :-)

For organizational reasons, it was necessary to goat kids already to pick up last Saturday.

with the result that the youngest of the kids is only 10 days old. So now announced several times a day feeding bottles, which becomes quite time consuming - have since played the little devils are indeed :-)

All 3 are half-brothers and sisters and daughters of Murphy, who had indeed intended to move in with us. So paternal Toggenburg, maternal BDE once - the youngest "Mona " and two maternal Saanen goat " Mabel" and " Macey .

looks of the color-clear like a PDA. Essentially it is certainly the most confident of the 3rd She almost immediately accepted the bottle-feeding is incredibly affectionate and today for the first time independently drinking water, albeit in a rather unconventional way ;-) have a great little girl :-)

and Macey " milky coffee brown "- pretty color, let's see if it remains so. Mabel is clearly more open than Macey, which has initially been showing quite restrained. Today freüh

have been me but all three welcomed with enthusiasm :-)

following photos that we've done yet. Phone I am also currently difficult to achieve. The 3 little rascals demand very nice and the rest of the little rascals will come naturally not too short ... pretty stressful right now, but pretty stressful :-)

And now we have still managed - here look at the first photos of our three little girls: