My Tweets ( ) this evening from the event with Dr. Joachim Gauck in the Berlin Urania, unfortunately, have been uploaded in time by themselves. Therefore, I bring them here in the correct order, slightly edited and added, since there is no 140-character constraint and I must emphasize not think it's about what he said:
[Update - Today (15.3 .20109 appears in the online-FAZ a Article a Gauck visit to a Rüsselsheimer school, worth reading]
Joachim Gauck in the Urania included reading from new book (Winter Summer Autumn Spring:.. memories, Siedler, 2009).
Gauck reads about the "Collect" of the father. Briefly in the former Gestapo prison, no defense, 2x25 years in Siberia, without information of the family. Secret process, no public
((mother writes letters to Pieck's, police, security agencies, etc.)
6 months after Stalin's death penalty and provides information on Stasi mother resides. Mother asks for letter from him that comes later.
Adenauer collected 55 last prisoners of war, on whose trains were the "Abgheholten" is appended. Gauck is sent home from school. At home, a man with no teeth of aged sits there.
In the east, the majority anti-communist, which originated ganz normal da, wo die Kommunisten ihr Glück über die Menschen brachten.
Wenn jemand seinen Vater zur Parteimitgliedschaft überreden wollte, hat der ihn schief angeguckt und gesagt: Wollen wir uns mal über den Kommunismus unterhalten?
Spreche im Westen über Menschen in der Diktatur, nicht über die Stasi. Beispiel mit “Marie”, Kind, in erster Klasse, will zu den Pionieren, Eltern reden daheim nicht mehr frei.
Damit das Kind keine politischen Witze in der Schule nacherzählt (das hatte sie in der ersten Klasse, viel Schwierigkeiten). In vierter Klassen kann sie Gruppenleiterin werden.
So lernt Marie zwei Sprachen zu sprechen, two languages, German. Gifted child or the beginning of split consciousness?
And then I need not tell more about the Stasi.
is why in this situation, the political astuteness on the part of the rulers?
Reason is out side of the oppressors, because it is on the side of success - and as far away from the moral courage.
((time jump, 40-year Gauck put) question of anti-communism on hold in order to have arrived in modern times. Cure for our left pastor friends from the West.
've been through the work with young people in the community. In those you notice the cracks in a society.
Strangely, we were able to adapt and adjust, where the desire for alternative, for freedom, for justice.
was breath of freedom in the great stories of the Bible to me. Believe in good in everyone.
Not all prefer that freedom. Freedom means responsibility. Freedom one can love and respect and, even if it is not perfect.
heard as Sedler, "We are the people" because they asked: "And what we are," They have not been forgotten.
was 89 my policy-making of the less bad.
will not forget the Communists, they tell me 50 Jahre nicht wählen ließen. Mich einsperrten. Mich erniedrigen wollten.
Bin in keiner Partei, da ich linker, liberaler Konservativer bin. Dafür gibt es keine Partei.
23.5.09, nach der Wahl zum Bundespräsidenten, vor der Mauer am Reichstag: Komm fotografiere mich. Sehr intelligente westdeutsche Begleiterin: "Aber doch nicht vor der Fahne" -"Doch, genau vor der Fahne."
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