Auch in Ostbelgien haben Jugendliche das Datum bereits seit langem in ihrer Agenda; genau seit Ende Juli 2008. Da wurde nämlich in Sydney bekannt, dass die nächste Etappe der Reise nach Spanien, genauer: nach Madrid führt, zum Weltjugendtag
Ein Bericht von Lothar Klinges
Zwei große internationale Jugendtreffen in Rom 1984 und 1985 entfachten so große Begeisterung, dass Papst Johannes Paul II die Weltjugendtage ins Leben rief. Alle zwei bis drei Jahre lädt seitdem der Papst zu einem internationalen Treffen ein. Zu Hunderttausenden pilgern junge People from all over the world in one of the world cities in order to jointly find the faith and celebrate. The last World Youth Day was held in July 2008 in Sydney, Australia. With 300,000 participants, it was the biggest event ever held in Australia. The Euroregion was with 400 young pilgrims, including 30 young people from eastern Belgium, led by Pastor Joseph Keutgen, there.
Each World Youth Day will be celebrated under the theme Biblical. The motto of the 26th World Youth Day on 16 to 21 August 2011 is from the Epistle to the Colossians: "Rooted in Christ and founded on it, firm in faith" (Colossians 2:7)
The logo
The letters of the World Youth Day logo stand for "Jornada Mundial de la Juventud," the English term for World Youth Day. The designer of the logo, Jose Gil-Nogues, had reported to his draft one of the Archdiocese of Madrid, led by Archbishop Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, also in 1989, when Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, the then Fourth World Youth Day had done, won the competition announced. Jose Gil-Nogues stated in the crown was an "M" to recognize that for Mary and for Madrid stands. - The symbol also stands for the crown of the Virgin of Almudena, venerated as the patron saint of Madrid. The cross makes the theme for World Youth Day clear. "Rooted and founded in Christ, a believer" The use of warm colors (red, orange and yellow) provides unmistakable warmth and heat, characteristic of a city like Madrid, a country like Spain. These colors also reflect the "heat of the divine Trinity love" resist.
The youth ministry "Euregio" is several hundred young people from the dioceses Luxembourg, Liège, Troyes, Langres and Trier in August 2011 to be there at the World Youth Day in Madrid. The days of the meeting they will spend in the diocese of Leon. For those who already want to start to save: The bus ride to the days of the meeting in León and the World Youth Days in Madrid, including homestay or shared housing and schools will be expected to move in price at 600 €.
days of meetings
leads the way to Madrid to León. This diocese is located in northwestern Spain. It has Based in Leon, the former center of Christian Spain, which today stands like a sentry at the edge of the great Castilian heartland. It is the last major town on the Camino before this winds up the west into the mountains, separating Castile in Galicia.
A Euregio delegation, the leaders of the youth ministry in Leon, Juanjo, knotted initial contact and was informed about the state of preparations in Leon. The aim of the "days of encounter" of 11 to 15 August, preceding the World Youth Day is to provide insights into the culture and life of the host country. why wird das fünf Tage dauernde Programm in der nordspanischen Diözese durch Begegnungen zwischen Jugendlichen aus der Euregio, Spaniern und weiteren internationalen Gästen geprägt sein. Außer ihnen werden auch junge Menschen aus Kolumbien, England und Frankreich den ersten Teil ihrer Weltjugendtagsreise in León verbringen. Das Bistum León plant, insgesamt 2000 WJT-Pilger aufzunehmen.
Neben einer Erkundungsrallye, verschiedenen Workshops und einem Gottesdienst steht eine Tageswallfahrt auf dem Jakobsweg zur Wallfahrtkirche Virgen del Camino auf dem Programm.
Herzlich eingeladen zur Teilnahme sind alle Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen aus den Diözesen Langres, Luxemburg, Lüttich, Trier, Troyes, Metz and Verdun. The age for the diocese of Liege is set for the participants to 17 to 30 years. Register by 31 March with Andreas Hock, Tel 0472/887883, E-mail: or the Youth Service of the Diocese of Liege, rue des Bruyères, 127, 4000 Liège, Tel 04/2297937 Fax: 04/2297938, e- Mail:, Web: font or
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