Bei meiner täglichen mX-Lektüre habe ich mich heute beim Anblick der plötzlich aufgetauchten Schneefall-Prognosen doch etwas erschrocken…aber seht selbst:
But there is in fashion here in my opinion anyway, some ghastly gaffes ... this includes socks with flip flops just like the jogging pants that actually a Gammel Sunday before the TV belongs here but has crept into the everyday wardrobe. To completely skin-tight jeans I want to actually not comment further because the spread is so even in Germany have ( although I'm just in men still think that simply is not so, but because tastes are so different). The biggest problem for me however is the absence of H & M, which prevents me from boring solid color T-shirt to ...
Nevertheless I have discovered here in addition to some merwüdigen creations with many great ideas. So I've become such a big fan of hair bands and rejoice especially in the trend of continuous mesh tights that is much closer to me very much;)
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