Happy Birthday to me...
Since yesterday I am now 24 and so instead of the dreaded push me homesick I had (apart from the autumn weather) a really nice birthday. During the day I was at university and I have taken in between with a few girls in the café. Then in the evening in the bar a little bit of the University of Night was celebrated. It was a really fun round, even if it was something unusual, not at home to celebrate at full stall ... but that is then made up just next year:) Click here on Saturday on directly, because then Beach Club party is in the clinic and there is then quasi nachgefeiert ... Thank the way for the many gifts, gift certificates and congratulations! No matter whether by telephone, postcard, mail, sms, StudiVZ message or wall post, I was of any notification happy:) are
A few appropriate photos's in Melbourne album and see who would like more should also equal noch einen Blick ins Westcoast-Album werfen, das um zahlreiche Schnappschüsse ergänzt wurde…
And for those who joined me to the “Einstein’s” on Wednesday: Thanks for coming!!! I’ve had a really good time with you guys and hope to see some of you on Saturday!
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