Sunday, September 26, 2010

Heavy Cervical Mucus After Period

En historie av Telemark

--- Chapter 1 -----
Daniel waited for the bus in the small town of Telemark. He was unemployed, and another immigrant who lost his work. In Norway, the typical immigrant is rejected only if there is not much work within the firm instead of choosing the worst employees. He was the second immigrant part of the list of unemployed in Norway.
While he was there, he can smell the green air of the trees. In the distance he saw the water in the fjord. The cars passed in front of him, although he seemed to be well thought of something there. An old man put flowers over a grave at a distance. It was a stone wall is not very high for a small metal gate showed the entrance to the cemetery. Therefore, he decided to go into the church yard. He knew who was buried there, and he was interested to ask some information.
Next to the cemetery was an old stone church building with a tall tower. In front of one of the cemeteries was the elderly man who was wearing brown jacket with a brown hat and a feather. Moreover, he was wearing a dark glasses and a straight face.
Daniel approached the old man was walking down a corridor, and Daniel asked the old man if he knew the dictator. The old man saw Daniel with strange eyes, as if he did not understand this question.
- Yes, but are you a journalist?
-No, I was curious. I studierte history and engineering college in my country, so I think it's interesting to know whether the people who knew the dictator.
Suddenly two men blonde behind Daniel, and one of them asked the old man:
- Is everything okay? Colonel.
Colonel shook his head confirmed, and one of these men left a card letting him. Daniel gave thanks and he could read the card "Nork honor pub", as they disappeared through the wall of the cemetery. Daniel took the bus to his apartment afterwards.
--- Chapter 2 -----
He had not come yet when Daniel went into the house in glamme Fyresdal of Telemark. The municipal center of Fyresdal Moland is that here you will find a municipal administration, schools, community centers, kindergartens, elderly homes, Molan church ...
He gazed around at the dark wooden panels, reading table and the high galleries of books. The wall paintings depicting the legend of the Vikings, dominated the grand room. Øyvind cried behind him. Daniel turned and saw Øyvind, which was rounder, more gray and with less hair. Øyvind had known family of the dictator for so many years ago. He moved over Daniel and shook him. They settled down in the hallway and chatted for a while. Øyvind said that little had changed in this place. Daniel foklarte to him: "I was a bit surprised to hear not from this dictator around Telemark, also to, I found this picture of a Mystic Island dictator's supporters gathered . Øyvind smiled and shook his head:" Quisling was the son of the dean from Nordic folk churches, and his parents belonged to some of the oldest and most prestigious families in Telemark. "Daniel chose to remain seated during the speech of the old dictator. Øyvind continues to talk about the theme:" It is not allowed to talk a lot around here about the dictator. If you make statements, could produce strong reactions. It is remembered that the members of the dictator could quickly cut off our heads in the forbidden fruit. Every time when someone takes a bite of the forbidden fruit, they are missing or killed in this place. It was a wretch from foreign countries who had disappearance very recently, and it was the only reason, because he was a lot of fuss about it. "Daniel asked where he had disappeared. Oyvind said:" There was a whole article about the case in an old avis." Han kom plutselig på noe."Bare et forslag. Hvis du drar til denne Pub, er det en person til du kanskje burde kontakte. Her er kortet hans." Daniel tok kortet. Øyvind sa, "Lykke til med researchen, Daniel". Langt unna snakket to stemmer i telefonen. "Han heter Daniel", gjentok den ene av dem." Daniel" Mannens stemme var norsk, og han snakket med en stresset, hemmelighets full hvisking, som om han holdt hånden over mikrofonen for å hindre folk i å lytte. "Ikke være redd", sa den andre stemmen. "Jeg tror han kan lage bråk for oss". En pause. "Hold meg informert".
---Kapitel 3-----
Daniel forlot huset av Øyvind, og vandret gjennom Fyresdal gatene. Han følte seg hjemme i Norge, og han snakket språket med bare en svak antydning til aksent. Den eneste veien inn gikk gjennom parkeringsgarasjen nede i kjelleren, opp en møkkete trappeoppgang og inn en tung branndør av ståhl. Han betraktet inne i den Pub som var komfortabelt, full av glade folk med mye lyst på stedet. "Nork ære pub" var identisk med annet pub i andre lander. Alle inneholdt bare med mange patriostiske ornamenter henviser til Vikings tid, og bruken av norrøna ord og symboler. Det var også Telemark bataljonen bygd opp stemningen inne i denne pub. Alle var med sine ølkrus feiret fredag kveld. Servitørene hadde på seg en vikings kjoler med lange blonde fletter. Gamle sanger fra den tiden av Quisling ble sunget av medlemmer of the battalion. Meanwhile, in the bottom of the pub, lectured a leader of a group of Norwegians, "We must expel the waste of immigrants who steal our jobs and our homes, rape our daughters ... It was many years ago, Daniel had last set foot on a such place in Madrid. A Norwegian man named Christian suddenly grabs him by the collar and insulted him, Black head, foreign pigs! They would spy on our parties! .. At the same time two men grabbed the hands of the fat and sat in chairs at the bar . The old colonel who had seen the cemetery gave a signal to the waiter in the bar. After the two men sat Daniel down to the bottom in a kind of sofa, and a young girl had a drink of Daniel. One of the two menn grep boken bort fra Daniel som hadde under armen en brukt kopi av en bok "Universismen" skrev fra Quisling. Daniel håpet på at han ville finne noe av verdi. Obersten blad gjennom den og la den på et bord. Ved siden av obersten en mann som var mye yngre hørte hva obersten sa. Da den unge mann sa til Daniel,"Unnskyld for oppførselen til noen av våre kamerater. Vi er veldig skuffet med ankomsten av innvandrere i dette landet. Hvordan ville du føle hvis landet ble fullstendig overkjørt av fremmede. Vi er lei av denne dritten Oslo regjeringen som gjør at disse tingene skjer." Så han gjorde et tegn, og de to menn kom ut av puben til Daniel.
---Kapitel 4-----
En svart bil var ventet utenfor pub. En husband Daniel waving a gun. When Daniel rushed in, he held a gun above the temple. Daniel said that the motivation was to kill when he pulled back, forcing Daniel to went into the car. Daniel could not believe that he was in big trouble. While Daniel was set aback beside a man in front of us two men talked about an incident on exchange fraud in the East. "The story was that a man of foreign origin came into the store and wanted to buy something to 24 million." The bald man coughed a little and continued,
"When the scammer gave to the shop employed a 1000-piece and 4 million to make it easier to switch. When the store clerk had given the money back, played twister confused and said he thought he had paid with a 100-patch. Then the scammer a stack of money to buttikmann, saying scammer want my two 500-pounds. Store Employee counted over, so that the amount of votes and gave the man two 500-Notes ... "The man behind the wheel while driving he heard the little story of his partner. The car drove through a narrow road in the dark. The moon was on the horizon on a small, lit island in the fjord. Daniel thought about the reasons he was in the car. Why was he involved in this case? He just wanted to know a bit about the history of this region. "The man gave the butt IKKA set 500-piece and some other bills with the desire to get a 1000-piece back. But the store clerk counted less than the 1000-patch, and rogue explained that he should do so and stuff, so it was correct. Rogue got 1000-patch from store man at the end of all this history, "The other man was still driving black car across the bridge and approached the island.
Chapter --- 5 -----
Daniel noticed that it was a large island connected by a bridge, but he ignored that it was night. The island was lit around, and a Flamen have come out of a herskaphus decorated with dragons vikings. Lit torches in the dark entrance to the island. Daniel could see different flags with uniformed men carrying flakes and blonde girls with pigtails carrying flowers. Daniel was pushed out of the car. One of the men in the car pointed a warehouse where some Foreigners were unloading projection black boxes of trucks. So by Daniel with other immigrants have downloaded everything, Daniel said a woman early in her thirties was taken in a white coat. The dark red hair was tied in a knot. Location was quiet for a few tidet all turned to stare at how uniform Norwegians took them to the basement of the mansion. Foreign women were cooking for guests in the kitchen of the mansion of a rich Englishman.
Meanwhile, the soldiers held a party there with flags and torches. When they came to a large room. There was a large dining room with a podium where a Norwegian who gave a speech's audience. Ponds were Foreigners who was kidnapped for forced labor. One of the guests was Dr. Libertina Man with two armed men in dark glasses, perhaps tilhørte de israelske tjenesten medlemmene. Han gikk opp podiumet mens to blonde jentene som var kledd i noe typisk norsk kjole nærmet seg til ham for å gi blomster, og han smilte dem tilbake. De to mennene på begge sider av Lieberman sett etter overalt. Han løftet hånden og sa: "Jeg er glad at jeg ble invitert av dere. Også ønsker min venn Clarke å si takk. " En mann satt foran podiumet snudde seg mot publikum og smilte til dem, og deltakere smilte tilbake. Dr Liebermann holdt snakker: "Mr Clarke fra Amerika arbeider i Afghanistan med oss i koordinering, levering og salg av avanserte våpen som dette" Han viste et overgrep våpen sort og han forstod diskurs: "Jeg ville vise senere om ny utvikling som har vist seg in the war of Afghanistan. I want to give a skå for a large Norway. "Everyone stood up from a police member, Telemark battalion with their respective families, the old general and his men who were the owners of heskapshuset, Mr Clarke was ... All with a glass of champagne while Daniel and other emigrants quickly emptied the bottles inside the glass and came back for more champagne bottles. Daniel was exhausted. He had lasted into the black boxes in stock, and when he served champagne to all Gaul. At the end of the evening, drew all the guests room in the mansion while the emigrants were sent to the basement where they slept together across the floor in the large room.
--- Chapter 6 -----
days passed away the week, and according to many foreigners was taken prisoner had come with this information during a speech so that these soldiers had brought in boxes of weapons and drugs from Afghanistan through NATO or U.S. bases. Daniel thought the lack of ethics in the Allied forces there, for example, the Norwegian soldiers were using a civilian Afghan human shields north of Maimana. Daniel had to leave the island as it is.
place Daniel had chosen for the evening meeting with another exile, the small red house out of the mansion. Daniel left the room where the black boxes and went with quick steps to the place. He does not avoid to take this opportunity to get there. Daniel fell in love with Viking art from the mansion showed grotesque images of Viking oppression. He read about the historian background mansion before.


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