Long live RTL2-esque alliteration;)
with flip-flops walking through autumn leaves, technical Neuheiten und Semesterendspurt im Mai…soviel zur Kurzfassung für diejenigen, die immer nur die Bilder angucken anstatt zu lesen (ne, Jan?!). Für alle anderen hier ein Update mit Inhalt:
Mount Dandenong – Never trust a hybrid car
Wenn man schon einen Nationalpark in direkter Nachbarschaft hat muss man den natürlich auch mal aus der Nähe sehen. Darum haben mich Maartje und Anne am Samstagmorgen von der Uni abgeholt – mit einem Mietwagen, der auf den ersten Blick geradezu luxuriös wirkte (vor allem im Vergleich zu den Wicked Vans!), sich dann aber als Katastrophe entpuppte. Statt eines simplen Automatik-Gefährts hat man uns ein hybrid car down in the eye. Technically I can not give detailed explanations, unfortunately not, because only this: It has a power button. Typically buttons are indeed a very user-friendly affair, but not with this ... thing! When we have the engine after 90 minutes still not up and running, a helpless passer-flight has taken and us, the car rental said by telephone could not, such work should it (the support hotline of course, had no office) was something ADAC like a man. He has also used it again for half an hour, which I then seemed at least somewhat less like a complete idiot ... And when the last piece of blue sky was overcast clouds could it go already. And since Maartje had to fight with the "Auto" already by the inner city, I am then the day went
the park itself I found only as moderately impressive, and this can have but also located on the weather. With less cloud cover has one of the mountain that is a beautiful view of the skyline of Melbourne. But we just had some rain, heavy clouds, even more trees - and lots of fun. Anne had a bit on it too much, but I can not, unfortunately, continues go;)
Beach Club Party
Oha ... if that's not something one of these dangerous gaaaaanz flat-parties was ... (I want this expression please login as word of the year 2007 .) much progress there's so nerve celebration not to say, you know even how it works. Funny was it when we went in the middle of the night with the extra party bus organized by the Clinic to a club in Chapel Street are (Julie, I was finally here !!!). A walk of about 5 minutes, but hey ... Once there, there was then darling house music, but I was able to escape thanks to the Willa, as we are later went into a kind of a big hamburger hill pub with live music - really with instruments! Not quite as beautiful then the handball game was on Sunday after 4 hours of sleep ... it is just not getting any younger;)
Jazz at the Crown Casino
Ok , so the headline is not entirely true ... we call it in the newspaper Bild-style combined;) Anyway, Anne and I wanted to look at us last night one of the many free concerts, which are just here as part of the Jazz Festival There.
Since we have time because of a misinterpretation (or just inattentive) only includes the last two pieces, we have instead made a spontaneous trip to Crown Casino. (Since you can also just have a run in street clothes.) Riiiiieeeeesig's it. Everywhere it is ringing, flashing lights and jingling coins. And then in between tables and hundreds of machines that are either boring or rules of the game have that we did not know. We have used every one dollar and - tadaaaaa - also recovered back. What a success.
University - will thus severally ned arbeid
Although I'm actually just arrived in Melbourne, the semester is almost over again. Really makes me sad the moment (yet), because currently I'm still sufficiently covered with unfinished assignments, three of which will be released next week. Why is my current favorite, or rather the most frequent destination, the State Library. If I do not really know what there, I also would not mind at all wrong with it, because that is really beautiful! What bothers me, but just as irritated, the library habits of the Australian (and Asian) students. That everyone listens to music is there actually not bad, for which I get because of the constant Handygebimmel and talk around me is not something with ... But at least I get because all the books I need, what of the manageable Deakin Library can not say. Which is of size that is more comparable to the social science library of the University of Hamburg (if any), but should provide all departments with literature ...
Due to numerous requests, here is the report: Officially, now fall . Some really, with wind, rain (contrary to my principles in Australia, I have now an umbrella) and especially at night, real cold. On other days seems then suddenly the sun and the temperatures rise above 20 ° C. Any questions? ;)
So much for me - what's new with you?
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