Monday, November 29, 2010

What Colour Shirt And Tie With A Grey Suit

snow ... The

... my palms in the courtyard this morning - now I have it but have managed, at least in the courtyard free of snow again to get :-)

... for the first time this season - and mysterious ways, but I was always against this snow so far - I enjoy it today ... just beautiful! Even the supply of donkeys and goats, usually in winter always very very difficult, I have come to feel as beautiful. Glorious, into the warm, dry, to go hay-scented pens!

The donkeys and goats are naturally unimpressed - except Maxine - their first snow incredibly funny place :-) But obviously had so much staying in the house, that it is not really wet. Clever girl ;-)

The dogs are also very little enthusiasm - aber auch hier bestätigen die Ausnahmen die Regel:

Skye Denzel ist überglücklich, hat nach seinem Zustand beim Frühstück zu urteilen, wieder einige Stunden im Freien geschlafen, seine Laune ist sensationell, so gut gelaunt habe ich Denzel schon lange nicht mehr erlebt - was Skye-Wetter so alles ausmacht ;-)

Ausserdem sind natürlich auch noch die "Dalmi-Kinder" Giulia und Rhett begeistert. Für Rhett ist es ja der erste Schnee den er erlebt, und er ist der Meinung, dass das eine absolut tolle Sache ist. War aber nicht wirklich anders zu erwarten ;-) Jedenfalls toben die Beiden draussen 'rum und kommen nur zwischendurch mal kurz für ein Schläfchen rein - was mich zum Türsteher macht ;-)

On Saturday, Rudi and I on the Pet Fair in Vienna, which was coupled with the Exotica. And after Rudi has unfortunately lost his corn snake, now lives since Saturday, a beautiful Königspyhton follow us :-)

photos, both in the snow playing Dalmis and from the royal python yet.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Custom Track And Field Backpack

Österr. Fox Terrier Club ...

... still makes his own rules - why keep on so "trivial" things such as issuing Regulation of ÖKV? is

In the exhibition rules ÖKV under § 13 (5) to read as follows:

(5) states in the ring, only the appointed bodies, which are Collaborative Director, Richter, possibly
interpreters, assistants ring, secretary and folders that reside next to the exhibitors
with dogs. Board members are also ÖKV
to stay right in the ring. complete candidate judges, acting as secretary or assistant
ring, or trial judge, have adapted to the Austrian court order to keep
. It is the acting ring personnel
(Special Director, Secretary, folders, etc.) are not allowed to report one standing in his possession
dog at each show day at the court in which he is
divided, or demonstrate.

In Judge Rules - which also applies explicitly to judge candidates - is under § 10 (3) read:

(3) A judge may assess a dog whose owner, joint owner , trainers (trainer endgeldlich or offered free of charge), leader holder , nurse or seller, he was within the last six months before the day of the event . This also applies to dogs who are family members, regardless of where they have their residence. Nor should for dogs belonging to persons who live in the same household with the judge.

interesting to the video on the YouToube
Federal Winner Show in Tulln 2010:

As you can see but actually a candidate for the Austrian judge. Fox Terrier Club, which acts as secretary in the Fox Terrier ring, while a dog that was bred to the Associate Judge / Secretary and is at least according to their homepage in their possession will be screened, even if reported in another name ...

Another dog, the judge Associate / Secretary, who (again according to website) within the property with a German breeder stands will also be issued, registered in the Federal Winner Show in the name of the German breeder, with the club winning show very well in the name of the judge candidate ...

Leaves all a very bad taste ... But yes, yes, the "voluntary" and one is "aware of the honor" to see the homepage of the said judge candidate, * laugh *

My bad luck that I aware of the honor was never aware of as much as the enormous responsibility of race over. It is a responsibility of which I was never so sure that I - as developed the Canine - also wanted to take over. What ultimately led to that I had waived my judges benefit really lightly.

Well, has any case at the Federal Winner Show in Tulln all before the eyes of the President of the Austrian. Fox Terrier club took place, who was a special ladder in the ring.

remains open only the question: is not known, the exhibition rules or ignoring them?

At least one judge candidates know they should ... and she apparently knows so much that every little loophole is being exploited, even if on closer inspection is not quite legal. The irony speaks for integrity * *

And having now under warranty again the so popularly used "envy" argument is: whenever I have time, I'll think about it, to what or who I might be jealous ;-)))

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ac-fpb Cr Card - Telephone

pariah and ski resorts ...

... our pariah Rhett has still managed to thoroughly before breakfast "bread" ;-)

.. .. wait for the breakfast after the morning exercise ;-)

... here with Giulia and the rocker - Giulia has raged under warranty with Rhett on the lawn - why does the clean, and it is actually ? ;-)

... in light of the rocker, who was also on the lawn, and still clean ...

... because it so "schön" ist, noch eine Großaufnahme :-)

Ausserdem habe ich - zwecks Ablenkung von dem Kummer um Merlin - meine Winter-Reisepläne entschieden und gebucht. Zum ersten Mal seit einigen Jahren wird es keine Reise in den warmen, sonnigen Süden geben. Der Schwerpunkt für die Wintersaison 2010/2011 liegt eindeutig wieder bei den Hunden :-)

Mitte Dezember geht's zuerst mal nach Helsinki zum Nordic Winner. Eine Ausstellung die ich schon kenne, und von der ich deshalb auch weiß, was ich zu erwarten habe:
viele Rassen, die man in unseren Breiten überhaupt nicht sieht, hohe Meldezahlen und überdurchschnittlich gute Qualität bei den Dalmis und den Foxterriern. Schön.

is in January's then Mr.B.Breit and its Kathi for a few days to Salzburg - no more dogs, pure relaxation planned ;-)

The highlight in February: once to New York! New York in February, many may not seem particularly appealing - for dog fanatics, it is yet. For since by the legendary Westminster Kennel Club show instead. Dalmis Fox Terrier and be addressed to 2 different days, so I can see both breeds in peace. High registration numbers are not expected, but this show should have, just as the Crufts, at least once experienced. A binding commitment for the ticket that makes sense at this show because of the limited space should be booked well in advance, I have also been * happy *

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Causes Gall Stones


Last night we had to give up the fight and to Merlin, Merlin and help with our vet over the Rainbow Bridge.

Merlin has fascinated me when I saw it the first time. And when he had moved in with us, it was all people could know him like that.
He wore his name right!

To know how much a goat can give, one must have lived closely with goats - and even if you know it, but Merlin was again a class by itself ... so infinite in its confidence and seiner Zuneigung zu uns...

Mia und Merlin im Jahr 2004, kurz nach ihrem Einzug bei uns.

Mia und Merlin 2008