Thursday, October 28, 2010

How Long Can Sushi Sit Out And Still Be Good?

Peter and his wife Alison meet on their honeymoon trip through Hungary to the Hungarian physician Dr. Neither guest (Bela Lugosi). When the bus crashed in the middle of a storm and the driver dies, neither does a guest, the young couple walking to his friend, Poelzig, an Austrian architect (Boris Karloff) to which he was on his way.
He has his house in the middle of the desert to the ruins of a fortress in the First World War destroyed by name, Marmaros built, whose commander of the military engineer had once been. Now, Become a guest on the Suche nach seiner Familie. Poelzig zeigt Wedergast im Keller des Hauses eine Kammer. Darin befindet sich die balsamierte Leiche der Frau und die Tochter,wäre ebenfalls gestorben, behauptet Poelzig. Während in Wahrheit die Tochter als Geliebtein seinem Haus hält, hat er bereits den teuflischen Plan gefasst: Er will auch die neue Frau.

Als Poelzig die neue Frau entfürt, um sie als Opfer zu einer schwarzen Messe im Kellergewölbe zu bringen, machen sich Peter und Wedergast vorneinander unabhängig zur Rettung auf. Werdegast befreit Joan und tötet dabei Poelzig, indem er ihn ankettet und beginnt, ihm die Haut abzuziehen. Als Peter dazu stößt, glaubt er, Werdegast Joan and would threaten to shoot him before Joan exclaims to him that this is their liberator. Get this guest is injured. Joan and Peter save himself a long spiral staircase in the building, while the dying guest Get the ammunition chamber and thus beyond the building together with the underlying fortress ruins. In the final scene, Joan and Peter are in the compartment of a train from Budapest to Visegrád.

The film was the film for Universal's biggest hit of the year. In Italy, Germany, Austria and Finland, he was banned because of its cruelty immediately.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Is Baboon Waxing

Witches (1922)

Hexen ist ein Schweden produzierter Film des dänischen Regisseurs Benjamin Christensen aus dem Jahr 1922. Er verbindet sowohl Elemente des Spielfilms als auch des Dokumentarfilms, und es sollte der erste Film einer Trilogie werden. Dieser Film ist in sieben Abschnitte gegliedert, die die Themen Hexerei und Inquisition behandeln.
Christensen drehte Hexen von 1919 bis 1922. Nach der Uraufführung am 18. September 1922 löste der Film in Dänemark wegen der in ihm enthaltenen Gewalttätigkeiten Entrüstung aus; in Frankreich protestierte die Kirche gegen den Film; in Deutschland wurde er nach seiner dortigen Premiere im Februar 1924 verboten. Dies führte zu Kürzungen und Zensur des Film material abroad, only in Denmark Häxan shown in its original form. Only when the film was made in 1941 by its director once again in the cinemas was also seen in other countries, the original version.
The violence against women, which were of poor and sick, during the Middle Ages, led many dead.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Best Travel Tripod Carbon

German-Spanish grammar

I need a car because I do not live in the city. Yo necesito un
coche, porque yo no vivo en la ciudad.
I ride the bus to university, because I do not like to stand in traffic jams.
conduzco Yo en el bus a la Uni, porque no me gusta permanecer en el atasco.
When I go home, there are a lot of traffic.
Si yo conduzco a casa, entonces hay mucho trafico.
As I drove home yesterday, there was much traffic.
Cuando yo conducia ayer a casa, habia mucho trafico.
If I eat pizza, then I'm happy.
Si yo como pizza, luego yo soy feliz.
The more I eat pizza, the happier I am.
Cuanto mas como yo pizza, mas feliz soy yo.
When I drink beer, it hurts my head.
Si yo bebo cerveza, luego me duele la cabeza.
The more beer I drink, the more I hurt my head.
Cuanto mas bebo cerveza mas me duele Wed cabeza.
---------- ---------- either-or
Either I've lost my money, or I have left it at home. Either I have lost my money and left it at home. Either I have lost my money and left it at home. I've either lost my money, or left it at home.
O yo he perdido Wed dinero, o yo lo he dejado en casa.
---------- ---------- not only-but also
I have lost not only my money but I have also left many friends there. I have lost not only my money but also left many friends.
Yo no solo he perdido Wed dinero, sino que tambien yo he dejado muchos amigos.
---------- ---------- only-but also
I learn both German and English.
Yo estudio tanto ingles como ingles.
---------- ---------- neither-nor
Neither one has stolen my money, nor have I lost it. I have not stolen my money, nor have I lost it.
Ni me he robado mi dinero, ni yo lo ha perdido.
---------- ---------- Zwar-aber
Zwar Lebe Gern ich zu Hause, aber ich nich mit scanner thinks Eltern bewohnen.
Aunque me gusts Vivir a casa, yo no puedo Vivir con mis padres.