Why "notes during the abolition of the Federal Republic"? This is an opinion blog, started in the federal election of 2005 in Dresden.
I publish here news, commentaries, reports. After moving back to Berlin I can report more events.
My initial thesis I find as recent as five years ago: After the GDR 1989/1990 now the old Federal Republic is facing its abolition or reform of national bankruptcy.
In the discussion on the reform of Hartz IV, it comes in a PAGE discussion of the FDP chairman Guido Westerwelle with unemployment:
Westerwelle had barely taken a seat, shot it Harald from Peter (57), unemployed since 2008, already out: "Why do you shave your criticism all the unemployed with the same brush?" Westerwelle, "Stop. . I criticize anyone personally, I criticize the system, "
This reminds me of my journal from the 2005 election, which I set out here would like:
The system modifiers FDP and NPD
Dresden , parliamentary constituency I, south of the same. A visit to the liberals and the anti-liberals
I was half an hour at the FDP, which is a few hundred meters from the NPD in the uncomfortable pedestrian street in Prague a closed, about thirty feet long full tent both her de facto chairman Gerhardt and Westerwelle presented. A Saxon politicians, first reported by his horror with the Saxon "grand coalition" (the SPD had in the regional elections with 204 000 votes got only 14,000 more than the NPD, see here ). Outside election posters for the FDP advertise with the slogan "first vote CDU, FDP second vote." The CDU candidate returned the favor, pointing to his posters for the "first vote Lämmel" campaigns ( http://www.andreas-laemmel.de ).
Gerhardt says in his typical one-get-to-air and-the-long-sentence-to-flat voice rattle-end-type of the "system change", which was necessary in Germany. For decades, the social policy of the major parties have promised, the pension was safe, and every year promised an improvement, if the contributions had to be increased once again. It was time for a "system change", the only answers to the FDP - and parts of the Union.
A Jamaica coalition Gerhardt holds for not so bad and still not been ruled out for at least he says so then another. It would move a lot and if the situation is so serious, one must move yourself.
Promised to Saxony? Only on the election results in 2004 ago wäre eine Jamaika-Koalition schon jetzt möglich. Erstaunlich, daß das in den sächsischen Medien keine Rolle spielt – oder habe ich was Überlesen?
Während sie die Liberalen gedanklich um systemverändernde Koalitionen der Zukunft ringen, treffen wir bei der NPD auf eine völlig andere Veranstaltung. Erfreulich ist zunächst, daß der Platz offen und die Bühne bis auf wenige Meter frei zugänglich ist, ähnlich wie tags zuvor bei der PDS. Zugangsbeschränkungen gibt es zunächst keine. Zahlreiche sehr gut gepolsterte und bewaffnete Polizisten verhindern bis auf eine kleine Rangelei am Anfang weitere direkte Kämpfe.
The predominantly male older audience (although there are no seats) is characterized by stout bellies and simple-people-clothes. Some groups of young men willing rather fight even join in, occasionally it girls. Family atmosphere as in the PDS will not stop there. No stalls, no newspapers, no stickers, not even a drink or Bratwurststand are there. The transitions between the speakers up with a chapel, well, it was Bavarian folk music? - Otherwise: It is only the spoken word - and screamed.
Although later applauded warmly and approvingly, remains a curious Distanz zwischen denen auf der großen Bühne und denen auf dem Platz. Bis auf einen Kameramann und einen Hörfunkreporter geht keiner an das Gitter vor der schwarzen Bühne ran. Die Menschen halten einen deutlichen Abstand von mehreren Metern zum Gitter. Nur wegen der dort angebrachten Fahnen?
Die Gegner sind auf dem Platz in Gruppen verteilt. Einige wenige unter ihnen machen den Eindruck von Mode-Protestanten (schwarze Klamotten mit Blues-Brothers-Brille, viel Lachen und Gröhlen). Die da schreien, was sie wollen läßt sich nicht sagen, sie schreien ja lediglich. Einer hält ein Pappschild hoch “Mir sind Simplifizierungen zuwider”. Er ist die Ausnahme.
Holger Apfel
The first says the NPD Group, chairman of the Saxony state parliament, Holger Apfel. He wants to make a new "national and social policy." The election of the Chancellor's decision would have accelerated the demise of the Federal Republic (of Germany says he is not). What bothers him but not otherwise, he wants to. His demands: No child benefit for children of foreigners, criminal foreigners out, instantly, who wanted to sell in Germany must also produce in Germany (or was it "create jobs"?), Or had high tariffs due.
Franz Schönhuber
comes after him, Franz Schonhuber (His record of the Waffen-SS to the left and right again at http://www.schoenhuber-franz.de/homepage/politik.htm no longer online, here is a portrait of 1989 in the mirror ). He was booed, insulted him, the death wish ("Fall to, fall to," "Time will tell Council as well, attack!").
this kind seems little to disturb him, on the contrary, it actually says, is yes for 40 years so ". He uses ("Nazis out!", "Never again Germany!" "Schönhuber out!"), The whistles and choirs to Zurückbeleidigen, the Schreier are blockheads, potential murderers, Hitler and Stalin's Children, "The real Nazis you are!" learned nothing, never read Goethe and Schiller, and so on.
If he accuses them that they, the 15-25s have done nothing "against Mielke " and the GDR - in this logic: What has he actually done against National Socialism?
My friend Franz-Josef
Schönhuber boasts, a friend of Franz Josef Strauss ( http://www.fjs.de ) to have been called Holger apple bad word from the "bombing holocaust "(for the bombing of Dresden at the end of World War II) as "historic" and predicts the troublemakers that they would disappear when he and his came to power, that is, were to levy the peoples themselves.
How Gysi (the event in his turn, cited a ruling by a federal court), he speaks of international law, Germany's aggressive war in Kosovo, wants to know immediately that under a Merkel soldiers would be sent to Iraq.
The hair shirt
Otherwise, he would like, that Germany "is no longer in the hair-shirt" go. The Defence Minister Peter Struck, who had served for a second has, "he complains, the lives of German soldiers' sacrifice American, Russian and French oil interests."
Who cares what he says? The journalists who are there to write, with no waiting on more wrangling that takes place but not in Schönhuber except for a short.
desire for civil war is the
been primarily an event to emotional arousal, for handing out, the shouting, the mob, insult - to promote the civil war.
What takes you? The NPD is looking forward to the "demise of the Federal Republic." That Germany with these people forward again is that once again builds trust in politics and politicians is to be expected of them in any way.
There are just a difference between system and system changers changers. Anyone tempted to
"If we rule, you will fall silent" can be added to search in German governments nothing, not even in the parliaments.
only see the voters have not. How do we change this?