Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cool Names For College Fest

Agenda 2010, shift to the left and hyperinflation - discuss Engelen-Kefer and Henkel

I had expected , there would be an evening of Agenda2010-bashing, but it was not Sun Here is a summary and extension of my Twitter messages from a discussion evening on 15 January 2010 in Berlin:

In Willy-Brandt-Haus the SPD , the Berlin federal party headquarters should women Engelen-Kefer (SPD party executive, former DBG Vice and ex-Labour Office Vice) with her new book "Fighting with heart and mind - My Life" will be presented (Torchbearers Verlag, 19,95 €, 320 pages), there was a panel discussion with Hans-Olaf Henkel , a former IBM executive and chairman of the Federation of German Industries ( BDI):

Left right justified the statements of Ms Engelen-Kefer ,

Agenda 2010, politics as PR and Neo-Socialism
In der Tat geht es mit der Agenda 2010 los. Das “Hauptproblem” ist dabei für Frau Engelen-Kefer eine “Wertkrise”, die die Agenda nicht alleine ausgelöst, zu der sich aber ihren Beitrag geleistet hat. Sie erkennt an, dass die Beschäftigung zugenommen hat.
Auch in den Gewerkschaften sind einige Leute sauer auf Hartz IVler , von denen sie wissen, dass sie nicht versuchen aus Hartz IV rauszukommen. Sie sagen es aber nicht laut. Maßgebliche Teile von Hartz IV müssen geändert werden.  Sie ist froh, dass jetzt über Veränderungen gesprochen wird.

Wir leben in einer Mediendemokratie oder Mediendiktatur. Ich habe die Ensure that policies are becoming more to PR event, so that people feel excluded. There was a massive loss of credibility that she has felt in the election last September very much. Although people had always attributed her good, but that connected with the warning that anyway after something else was being done, as previously promised.

I practice criticism of my colleagues, business leaders face not the discussions. The only make a career when the numbers are OK. If they can talk well, they are regarded as gossip. The separated more by their wife as their manuscript.

Henkel sees the growing number of non-voters not as a sign of a crisis: Also, what is the thinking. Not only SPD, Greens and left and have become very religious state.

We talk aloud about neo-liberalism and result in a low voice the Neo-socialism . The German company moves to the left and does not notice it. The FDP has benefited from swing to the left, but is not as liberal as in Lambsdorff. Labour in Britain is now the right of the FDP. There, with social arguments tuition fees are required.

Ursula Engelen-Kefer answers: a shift to the left notice the German working class is not: Many workers can hardly a living from their work.

saving and system weaknesses

Yes, we have too many poor and low wages. But this division of labor that you can (at Engelen-Kefer and the trade unions) to celebrate the mourning, so we do not get stuck.

The locusts discussion was certainly part too far. Globalization is a normal process, so you have to arrange. We need globalization, but you have to regulate it.

This belief against the big companies is on all parties to large. The early retirement benefits, for example, only big firms but from all, even the small cashier who gets the never paid.

You can certainly save, especially in the upper civil service. But lower (so much debt and) taxes, how will that work? Because I'm afraid. Have nothing in principle against

funded supplementary pension insurance. But workers here are ripped off mad about high administrative costs. And why the state must foster a 12.5 billion euro private pension ?

With the examples of IBM and SAP: In the world of personal responsibility, people want no participation, but self-determination.

From the stability of earlier today immobility geworden. Die anderen sind besser geworden, wir müssen uns verändern. (Nach Verweis auf die Mitgliederzahlen:) Den Sozialpartner Gewerkschaft nehme ich nicht mehr so Ernst wir früher.
Münteferings Beschreibung der Heuschrecken fand ich gut . Aber sie waren kein Grund für Finanzkrise , die kommt von US-Immobilienkrise . Schuld bei politisch gewollter Politik, dass jeder Amerikaner ein eigenes Haus haben müsse. Kredite wurden gegeben an Leute, die diese niemals hätten abbezahlen können. Gefördert von Clinton (der sich dafür in seinen Memoiren, die vor der Krise erschienen, feiert), und auch von George Bush Jr., who still supported the tax payment.

German politicians, the toxic U.S. papers have brought into state banks, who then said that the state must do more. And Ackermann, who has managed to make the German bank did not need government aid, has been celebrated by the Republic rather than hunted.
I have all the parties selected these (pointing to the venue, the SPD national headquarters in the Willy-Brandt-Haus).
as night and Sunday work
1944 Alber Speer to Hitler: Sunday and night work tax free. Keep unions to turn fixed costs today, 2 billion per year. Sunday working to pay the employer, not the taxpayers. Here, Schäuble ("the best man in the Government") make history.

example nationwide agreement

solution is to change the system. The comprehensive tariff has to go. Is it fair if it is in an industry with problems as well paid as much as in one where it goes well?
see the cashier probably different, the have to do without a Christmas bonus.

We still have councils, you make the plant for operation.
It did not all councils. There are weak Works, as workers come under the wheels. A complete separation is not feasible, we have the works himself said, so we need the nationwide agreement.

We need a new decision system. (This statement was in itself) are

A certain shift of jobs, there must be, that comes in the form of some demand back again.
solution hyperinflation
I think about for months: Who benefits from hyperinflation? Those who own property, assets and those who Debts. And countries like USA and Germany have very high debt. He had great concern that the politicians want to get rid of their debt with hyperinflation. reared
Am a professional working single mother, father remained in the war. Women are much too little represented at management level, including the unions. Thanks to Ms. Engelen-Kefer. Book is called "With heart and mind." Not good enough. This includes even more, namely courage. She (Ms. Engelen-Kefer) have not only heart and mind, but also courage.