Monday, August 27, 2007

Top Names For Cultural Fest

Last days in Melbourne

Although it seems to me damn unreal before, but tomorrow it's back towards home. Veeeery strange, even a little sad - not only because Melbourne in comparison with Hamburg weather these days ahead is clear, but mainly because my time then Australia is finally over (for now at least). One thing is I've had the time of my life! I learned a lot, seen and laughed while having a whole bunch of great people to know. The past half year was probably the most exciting at all, so that the organization has paid some nerve-racking final. At this point I wanted to tell me one more time officially with my parents To thank those who supported me from the idea to the planning and also during my time overseas forever. You guys are great! :)
Tonight's even a farewell dinner with Doris, Eve and Iza before then be recovered tomorrow in front of departure nor the battle against excess baggage needs. And the latest from the Dubai Abschiedssentimentalität is then exchanged for Hamburg-anticipation.
was so ... That's right last words?
I'm gonna miss you, Melbourne ... see you later!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Necklaces For Men Vancouver


Sydney is a terminal station. It's also a huge city with more skyscrapers than Melbourne, but less trash cans. Overall it's been a cool city, for me, but not nearly as good as Melbourne. Although the comparison is somewhat unfair, as I have presented in Sydney in the few days of his wet-cold side, but perhaps it is only right to be after seven weeks of summer in winter once again faced with rain ... Anyway, I then tried out Sydney's first indoor activities and visits including a photo exhibition at the NSW State Library and the IMAX at the alleged world's largest canvas, "Deep Sea" seen in 3D. If it was nice to see some blue sky, I tried to explore as many corners of the city on foot, so I see not only the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. About I am really very impressive bridge also went over to see that at the other end of a nice residential area is located, which, despite its proximity to the center is very calm and relaxed. My at home during the visit was a hostel in Kings Cross, the Weggehviertel the city. Highlight of the building was the roof terrace from which you had a great view of the skyline. Unfortunately, there were an incredible number of German, some of which were incredibly hard, but with the others, I was able to explore a good part of the nightlife. (We were at a party where only indie music was played, I was happy with every song so euphoric ...) A personal highlight was my meeting with Lauren, which I before two years have met in Canada. She gave me after yet shown her office, from where they could examine the city from the air. Also, I've driven for a day by train to the Blue Mountains. Geographically located slightly higher than Sydney, so that has to clouds and snow showers also mixed a nasty cold, so the perfect weather,) Nevertheless, the trip has been worthwhile because of the vision real.

Since this morning I'm back in Melbourne and indeed sad that my trip over and the end of my time is dramatic close in Oz, but at the same time incredibly happy to be here again! The feeling of coming home was then still a super nice reception by Dorit and her roommate (who I'm going to sleep the next day) reinforced with a pancake breakfast. Moreover, this blue sky and glorious spring weather, is about: Off to the sun!

view from the hostel roof terrace

Hug the trees in the Botanic Garden

Canada Reunion: Lauren & me in her office

Three Sisters

Four Sisters... Schööörz

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Baby Shower Favors Chap Stick

Byron Bay

Ausser der wirklichen Besonderheit, dass es in Byron Bay wegen Einwohnerprotesten kein McDonald's gibt (komischerweise aber 2x Subway) kann man zu diesem Ort eigentlich nur sagen, dass es sehr entspannt und Aussie-maessig laid back ist. Das liegt teilweise wohl an der geographischen Naehe zu Nimbin , dem Amsterdam Australiens. Waehrend meiner Tagestour wurden mir dann von vielen der dort ansaessigen Hippies Rauchutensilien oder Kekse auf der Strasse, aber vor allem auch im Museum(!) angeboten. Etwas strange, aber fuer einen Tag mal ganz lustig... Davon abgesehen verfuegt Byron Bay selbst aber auch ueber einen really nice beach with the famous lighthouse as a highlight and is therefore without cookies worth seeing;)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Painting Oil Primer Over Oil Painting

Surfers Paradise

Since Renske on already Monday flies from Sydney back to Holland, she drove directly from Brisbane to Sydney. Although I have told many backpacker that Surfers Paradise is not really worth seeing, but I wanted to just watch it like yourself. So I went there only for a day and a night and must say that had the other right. The City is one tourist city. Der Strand ist zwar sehr gross und auch mit diesem tollen ostaustralischen Feinsand ausgestattet, aber durch die direkt angrenzende Hotel-Skyline wird jede Romantik im Keim erstickt. Was super war in Surfers war das Hostel. Ein umgebautes Motel, wo sich jeweils 3 Zimmer ein Appartment mit Kueche, Wohnzimmer und Essbereich teilen. Man fuehlte sich gleich wie in einer WG, in der man mit Freunden wohnt. Sehr nett... Ausserdem war ich endlich mal surfen. Ich habe einen Kurs belegt und hatte wirklich Spass. Auch wenn ich nicht der allertalentierteste Surfer bin, konnte ich immerhin zweienhalb Mal auf dem Brett aufstehen. Als Andenken habe ich heute (zwei Tage spaeter!) immer noch einen ordentlichen Muskelkater in den Oberarmen. Die hatten naemlich ordentlich zu tun in den zwei Stunden. This also explains why surfers are all so muscular:) And who is now charged with photos of me in the sausage-like wetsuit, which was said: No way!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Annabel Chong 300 Men


Brisbane was a real recovery for the neglected city slicker in me. While the east coast was clear so far been more civilized than the Outback, Australian cities but are just generally but only large villages. And most of them completely taken by backpackers. Since then it's nothing that we know neither the dates nor the week, because you can go out at night anyway. In Brisbane, however, one is a banging on people who live and work there - and not only in der Tourismusbranche! Zu denen gehoert Livia, die Renske und ich waehrend des ersten Teils unserer Outback-Tour kennengelernt und in ihrer Heimatstadt natuerlich auf ein Bier wiedergetroffen haben. Ausserdem habe ich ein zweites Mal das John Butler Trio fuer umsonst live gehoert. Zwar wars kein gratis Konzert wie in Melbourne, dafuer aber open-air, so dass wir einen wirklich guten Sound auf unseren Holzbankplaetzen hatten. (Anne, special guest was Josh Pyke, so start being!)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Duffle Bag Fred Perry

Fraser Island

Zurueck von der Insel... mit 3 Tagen und 2 Naechten auf Fraser Island, einer der groessten Sand islands in the world, is another highlight of Oz behind me. It was exciting! We had booked a self drive tour, which means that no tour guide will be there and you can drive even the most powerful 4WD truck. I naturally wanted to try out again and have me as a driver registered. A little uneasy I became, as it turned out that I do not even superseding just one of many fahrwuetigen men, but alongside Helen (Ireland) would be the only driver ... ups! What I do not know beforehand that you have the four wheel drive not only the normal circuit, but also must decide on a second if you want to drive in H2, H4 or L4 ... and all at the beach! This sounds very romantic, but some really hard work if you open with white powder sand moves and then another 8 people in the camping equipment and a complete car has. Stuck and pushing heard to say on the whole island to the agenda, thanks to the nice Australians giant sunken in the sand truck was also twice redeems by tow rope ...

addition to driving and the scenic highlights for me especially I could inspire Toilettengaenge. As more and came up with joy because we have camped in the wild (yes, three days without a shower, or for Nina: by fat;)) and there are dingoes on the island, one can never be alone somewhere. And so it was said to always pick a mate and bring the shovel. Then dug deep and 50cm los gehts... open air unterm atemberaubenden Sternenhimmel. Etwas skurril, aber man gewoehnt sich ja an alles... fast alles zumindest, denn Sand in Kleidung, Haaren, Essen, und ueberall sonst auch zaehlt definitiv zu den Nachteilen einer Sandinsel.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Farm Lessons 15 To Red

Town of 1770

Zum ersten Mal waehrend dieser Reise haben Renske und ich mal mehr geplant als nur den naechsten Zwischenstopp und schon bereue ich es... Da wir keinen Lift in Airlie Beach gefunden haben sind wir ueber Nacht mit dem Bus nach Town of 1770 gefahren. Leider wussten wir not think you can do this incredibly many great things and have only one day scheduled. Normally we would simply have stayed longer, but we have already booked our self-drive 4WD tour on Fraser Iceland. This is determined also great, but 1770 is now on my "places-to-the-next-I-see-must-visit Australia" list, because we had to give up some activities. What we learn from this? Planning sucks!
Today we then made an almost four-hour chopper tour including the sunset on the water. Driver's license? Need not satisfy bike skills:) Was it not all that difficult, as it were automatic machines and so I just had great fun out of 80 cases to head off on so nem Mini-motorcycle through the area. And of course there were a few other backpackers here, it finally belonged to one of those rattling caravan to one would usually only after I watch. Surprise!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why Do I Get Abdominal Cramps When I Do Sit Up

Whitsunday Islands

I was sailing ch! Three days and two nights I spent with 13 backpackers and 2 Staff-boys on the Southern Cross . At first it is somewhat unusual to spend day and night in a small room with (initially) foreign and (later) without a shower people, but a short time later, it is simply just pure fun! The sailing itself was already great, but incidentally gabs so even more. So we have not only whales, rays and sea turtles seen, but visited the incredible white Whitehaven Beach with the incredible turquoise-blue water. My personal highlight, however, were the two snorkeling trips. Sam and Josh could have led us to great places of the Great Barrier Reef, where we will swim amidst hundreds of colorful fish and beautiful coral and great diving. (I leave a few digital pictures sent by mail so that you can see what I mean.) Anyway, I'm simply amazed and overcome a phobia here after the next, because it is simply wonderful! I watch you on the best of the photos that say more than before my euphoric "it was great It was great, ... etc. "and of course it took forever until I went for a small selection of my pictures from flood and so now I watch your back and someone is doing and excited;)